More Dr. Seuss on Obama & Congress
But would you, could you, like them with a tax?
Would you, could you, with Goldman Sachs?
Would you like it with Al Gore?
Or with Pelosi? (She’s such a bore!)
Or would you, could you, in a mob?
Since most people have no job.
Oh that’s right, the money’s tight.
So to the press and print some more!
Then just wait to see what’s next in store!
While you wait and look for hope,
And while you say “nope, nope, nope”,
I’ll take your money and spend, spend, spend.
I’ll give it to you in the end!
I’ll take your home, then your bank;
I’ll take your cars (you’ll have me to thank).
I’ll take over your health care and make you pay.
I do not care what you say.
‘Cuz in the end, I am the Boss,
And my dumb win is your dumb loss.
– Ron Sorensen (Thanks, Ron!)
P.S. For more Dr. Seuss humor, go here.