“A View from the Right” turns 1 year old this week! Happy Birthday to me! (Or, is this an Anniversary?…)
Yes, I finally “got serious” and bought the www.aviewfromtheright.com domain. The main benefit is that there are many more themes to choose from — including those that cost money — and I can use the myriad of available plug-ins to add functionality, both for you and for me.
Believe me, I’m taking full advantage of that. Have a look around… Cool, eh?
Don’t worry, though. The content has all been exported from the old site and imported to this one — all but the very last comment (and my response) from last night, that is. (I had already done the export/import.) The themes, style, etc., are not changing.
Hopefully, I won’t go overboard on all the extras. I’m still tweaking and experimenting, so please be patient if things change up or move around a little. (For example, I’d like to customize the database of quotes for the “Quote of the Day”, and a couple plug-ins don’t seem to be functioning quite right, so they may be removed or replaced.) But, the general look & feel of our new home is set.
What YOU can do to help out is to find any bookmarks, links, or subscriptions you have for aviewfromtheright.wordpress.com and change them to aviewfromtheright.com. Meanwhile, I have subscribed to WordPress.com’s new “Offsite Redirect” service to bounce traffic from the old location over to here. That should continue to get you here, but it will throw off my traffic stats. I really like to know how people are finding my blog, where they’re coming from, so your cooperation is much appreciated.
If you come across any broken links or technical difficulties, please let me know by emailing me at sirrahc AT aviewfromtheright DOT com. Thanks a lot!
P.S. If anyone with knowledge of graphics would like to create & “donate” a logo and/or header image, email me and we’ll discuss it. Thx!