Newt Challenges Michigan: Change or Die!
More people NEED to hear Newt Gingrich talk about his ideas and his vision for the nation. As great as he (usually) is in debates, he has to share the stage with the other candidates; plus, the debate schedule has slowed down. I find his solo talks educational and inspiring, filled with historical examples and a mixture of great vision with commonsense solutions. So, I’ve decided to post a few of his speeches over the next few days, in hopes of reaching a few more people and encouraging them to vote for Newt.
Here’s a great speech by Newt about the future of Michigan, which he gave at the Mackinac Policy Conference back in 2010. I truly hope Michiganders are/were listening….
P.S. Sorry that the right side was chopped off a bit, but I didn’t want to make it any smaller.