“An adult document for adults.”
Today’s video has the former Speaker of the House speaking in Des Moines, Iowa, where he introduced his current campaign platform — an updated version of the “Contract with America”. (The original was put together by Larry Hunter, Dick Armey, Gingrich, and a few others back in 1994.)
I’ve heard people complain that Newt’s “bold visions” are too big, he wants to do too much, and they suggest that a President Gingrich would to try to ram all this stuff through via executive fiat or force of will or by doing end-runs around Congress and the Constitution. (You know — like Obama/Pelosi/Reid like to do.) Nonsense! In this speech, he explains that…
“It will take about a year to pass all this, because we need to use regular order…. [W]hile I’m going to propose these,… they should come through a regular legislative process, where subcommittees hold hearings, they hold markups, they report to the full committee, they hold markups, they go to the floor, and they have a chance to amend it. So, the will of the American people is actually expressed the way the Constitution suggested. That’s a much harder process. It isn’t ramming things through. It’s legislating.”
Let’s hear what else he has to say…