The Future Is Here

Over the past couple of weeks, several posts have come across my Facebook feed that consisted of short videos about cool, new, advanced tech. Many of them were from, which I highly recommend you check out. For now, though, I have included a few of my favorites for your amazement and enjoyment….

Robots and Remote-Control

I thought this first “Spidercar” was pretty cool, though I’m not sure if it has much practical application, yet, given that it can’t carry much payload.

“VertiGo: The Wall-Racing Robot”

This little beauty is a great step in safer drone tech, so that it can hover and fly around among humans.

“Fleye – Your Personal Flying Robot”

3D Printing

Here, we have a couple advances in 3D-printing technology applied to medicine…

“This BioInk Can Be Used To 3D Print Cartilage”

… and personal transportation.

“Strati The first 3D printed car.”


Finally, we see the strides that Microsoft is making with hologram projection and some pretty nifty applications!

“ARS gets hands-on with Microsoft HoloLens”

“Microsoft HoloLens: Galaxy Explorer Ep. 6 – Coming to Life”

“Holoportation: virtual 3D teleportation in real-time”


Now, that’s some really cool stuff!

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