Rush Misses the Point
I’m not a regular listener of Rush Limbaugh. But, on those rare occasions when I’m driving and find him on the air, I often find his monologues interesting and even insightful. He has been around quite awhile and deserves much respect. But, even he can’t recognize everything that’s going on in the socio-cultural politisphere. To that point, I think Townhall’s Joel Goodman makes a fair case re one recent broadcast.
“[Rush] was coming to the realization that the younger establishment journalists are not just ignorant and poorly educated but that they may actually be stupid – Ignorant being unaware and stupid being incapable of learning. At least that’s what he appeared to be saying.
…I was thinking, “He just doesn’t get it”…. It wasn’t about journalists being ignorant, although many might be. But, that is not the relevant fact.”
Goodman went on to praise Limbaugh for what he has done but “times have changed and he and his ilk have become too comfortable and accustomed to what was.”
“[T]hey discuss the far left element of the party through an intellectualized political lens formed in the shape of the old politics…. But the violent left is not funny. The game is different. The rules have changed.”
Goodman continues…
“Their agenda is to bring down the United States of America as we know it – a Republic supportive of religion and economic freedom. It is not the color or religion of the country that is anathema to the left. It is what the U.S. stands for that is being protested….
The United States is in the way of a Communist styled world.
Whether those wanting to bring down the United States are truthful in their accusations is irrelevant. The end will justify the means for them. The means is conflict, disruption and destabilization. What is being protested is irrelevant as long as there is protest. The truthfulness or accuracy of what’s being screamed is irrelevant, as long as there are accusations and there is screaming….
Had Hillary Clinton won, the left would have reverted to something like the racial outrage protests and town burnings that we saw under Obama.
The vulgar outbreaks of violence and incivility are not the temper tantrums of an emotionally immature political party that lost an election. They are the tactics of a growing movement intent upon bring down the country. That the establishment Republicans don’t get it is of great aid to this movement as it organizes its forces to destroy America.
[T]he left will say whatever is necessary to accomplish their goals.
There are the very real beginnings of a civil war in this country and ascribing either stupidity or ignorance or a bad education to those attacking the Republic is as distracting as arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.”
Actually, I think there is a lot of emotional immaturity (and ignorance of history) on the Left, particularly among the rank-and-file. Nevertheless, Goodman makes some valid, if disturbing, assessments. Certainly the movers-and-shakers on the Left, the politicians (e.g., Obama) and the money-men (e.g., Soros), know what they’re doing, and Marx and Alinsky are their heroes.