AOC’s Green New Disaster
“Putting aside the fact that, as written, it would receive a C+ in any high school English class, it essentially articulates a magical world in which the skies rain chocolate, the world is powered by unicorn farts, and AOC dances through the gumdrop meadows to Lisztomania.” — Ben Shapiro, conservative columnist/commentator and radio host
The Green New Deal (GND) being promoted by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other young, far-Lefties was one of the topics I touched on a couple weeks ago. Since then, AOC released a proposal document outlining the radical and far-reaching changes the GND calls for in policy, infrastructure, etc.
Like what, you ask?
o the U.S. will be free of carbon emissions within 10 years (and no nuclear power allowed, either)
o every building in the nation will be replaced or retrofitted in a green-friendly manner
o universal healthcare
o free college education
o replacement of airplanes with a network of high-speed trains
o replacement of “every combustion-engine vehicle”
o charging stations “everywhere”
o government-provided jobs, family and medical leave, vacations, retirement security
o the abolition of “farting cows”
o total “economic security” for anyone “unable or unwilling to work”
o “cut military spending by at least half” and withdraw U.S. troops from overseas
How will these MAJOR changes to our society be paid for during this “10-year national mobilization effort”?
“At the end of the day, this is an investment in our economy that should grow our wealth as a nation, so the question isn’t how we will pay for it, but what will we do with our new shared prosperity.”
Say what?
1) We’re talking about a socialist utopia here, which has never been achieved, because the system is simply — and please forgive the pun — unworkable.
2) It would still need funds up-front for all of the materials, demolition, construction, re-furbishing, and to pay all the workers (even if everyone worked for $15/hr. minimum wage), etc.
3) This likely means big tax increases and nationalization of certain industries.
In fact, apparently the original FAQ accompanying the proposal admitted that the goal was a socialist paradise, and this got AOC and friends in trouble. So, they claimed that conservatives were circulating “doctored” versions (False!). Then they tried to say the FAQ in question was merely an “early draft”. (False!)
Then the media accused conservatives of unfairly “pouncing” on the plan. (Huh?) The Business Insider even tried to say that the “early draft” FAQ was somehow accidentally posted by AOC’s own team to her website. But, then BI had to backtrack a bit when it was pointed out that the controversial FAQ was part of a press package that went out to “a number of high-profile media outlets, including National Public Radio, which posted the document in full on its website as soon as the congresswoman’s embargo on the material lifted.” There was more media spin by the likes of The Hill and The Washington Post, as well.
According to AOC,
“There are multiple doctored GND resolutions and FAQs floating around. There was also a draft version that got uploaded + taken down. There’s also draft versions floating out there.
Point is, the real one is our submitted resolution, H.Res. 109: https://t.co/ZlgWmNQn57”
“This is a lie. There were no doctored GND resolutions or FAQs “floating around.” There were people satirizing AOC’s own asinine Green New Deal backgrounder and FAQ. And there is no evidence that there were “draft versions floating out there.” Yet the Post didn’t see anything wrong with AOC’s statement.”
In response to the Post‘s reasoning for not giving AOC any Pinocchios, Shapiro continued:
“Oh, so AOC got caught with her hand in the stupid drawer, and then withdrew it, so no need for the Post to evaluate her lie about her original document. Fun to see that’s how fact-checking now works: so long as you withdraw your originally controversial claim, and then lie about it, we will pretend the originally controversial claim didn’t exist.”
Fortunately, even House Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats have realized they cannot support such a thing as the GND — at least, not without stronger public support. They also didn’t like AOC’s presumption that she, a newly-elected junior Congresswoman, could take the lead on such a significant piece of legislation, and they have essentially smacked down the young upstart.
I’m not worried about any version of the GND passing anytime soon, but I do think the winds of change are blowing that way. Scary times ahead, folks, and this sort of thing is only part of it.