“Green Conservative” Latina Seeks FL Congressional Seat

“I am the change St. Petersburg needs. I solve problems. I don’t just take photos.”  — Anna Paulina Luna

As Director of Hispanic Engagement at Turning Point USA and a former guest commentator on Fox News, Anna Paulina Luna is no stranger to American politics and social issues. This self-described proud “Chicana” has also been a model and is a veteran of the United States Air Force. She is also no stranger to controversy, having had a tense confrontation with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) regarding women and children at the US-Mexico border, as well as getting kicked off Fox News when she said about Hillary Clinton: “She won’t go away. She’s like herpes.”

Luna — publicly known as simply “Anna Paulina” — has now launched a bid for Florida’s 13th Congressional District, which will put her in opposition to a career politician, Republican-cum-Independent-now-Democrat Charlie Crist, assuming she can beat the four other GOP candidates. In a recent interview with The Daily Wire, it became clear that this young activist is very serious, and she is passionate about fighting socialism — which she sees as the #1 threat to America — and several other key issues. For example, her top five policy goals, should she be elected, are as follows:

1) Comprehensive immigration reform that will withstand the test of time.

Biometric visa renewal system
A Military Interpreter visa priority program
Seasonal workers permit program coming from Mexico and South America.
Ending DACA but providing a solution for those that were granted DACA status during the Obama administration.

2) VA reform to the VA healthcare system and access to natural treatment for veterans, especially those who have seen combat.

My first plan of attack is with VA healthcare reform. I have had many buddies come home with PTSD yet they are unable to receive adequate treatment because of the stigma that follows PTSD and the distrust of medications. I have researched and read multiple studies on the benefits of non-THC CBD oil and the effects it has on those that suffer from PTSD. I want to make sure that our vets, as well as active duty service members, have access to alternative means of treatment.

3) Amending the welfare system to allow recipients to marry, encouraging two-parenting households that would allow people to work their way out of the welfare system and allow fathers back in the households.

4) Trade regulation requirements for countries that want to trade with the US. There is all this talk of a carbon tax. Why should the American people be responsible for this when we aren’t even the biggest polluter in the world? Countries like China and Indonesia are leading the world in destroying our oceans. Policies like “The Green New Deal” are garbage and accomplish nothing. I consider myself a green conservative. If you want to trade with the US, stop destroying our oceans and adhere to our standards.

5) Tax cuts for companies that choose to manufacture stateside and/or incorporate environmentally friendly practices. Government grants to non-profits proving to be effective in assisting in cleaning up our environment instead of more regulations.

There’s a lot of good stuff in there. But, it’s the “green” that I want to zero in on for this post, since I am always wary of unrealistic approaches to environmentalism, fighting climate change, etc. So, here are a few more interview comments where she elaborated on that topic….

“I consider myself a green conservative. I also happen to be a huge nerd as I majored in science in college and work alongside a non-profit that works to restore the coral reefs off the coast of Florida. I consider myself a very environmentally conscious Republican. The problem with the fear-mongering taking place today and being pushed by DNC is their failure to mention certain key facts.

The earth is in a phase of global warming. If you look back at news articles from the ’70s, the big thing then was “global cooling.” The earth, like most organic things, runs in cycles. We are not going to die out in 12 years.

However, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be environmentally conscious. We should all do our part to reduce, recycle, and re-use. I avoid single-use plastics when I can and am very in tune with leaving a green footprint. The Republican Party should embrace this mindset publicly. After all, what’s not conservative about conserving the environment?

As it stands right now, China is leading the world in CO2 pollution. Not the United States. The Republican party should remind the American people of this. The day I get into office I am going to send an email to every Republican in the house and ask them to attend a tree-planting ceremony. I think it’ll be a good ice-breaker.”


“The new Green Deal is a flaming pile of garbage and offensive to people like myself who actually care for the environment. I actually did a video on how to help the environmental cause here in the U.S. I don’t even think [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)] came up with that on her own. I think it was written for her and handed to her just like her campaign was.

From what I have seen from her, she never went into the community to go to bat for these causes. That is where she and I differ. I not only have worked with conservative Hispanics across the nation but I also work closely with an environmental organization that is working to save the coral reefs.

My vision for America is pretty simple: Do not allow big government to have too much interference in the life of the individual and allow the people of this nation to care for their environment in the way they see fit. Through free-market capitalism, the individual will have the ability to thrive and succeed and donate to organizations, like Force Blue, that will take better care of the environment than any big government policy ever could. I believe Americans, especially compared to the rest of the world, are environmentally conscious, but I would like to see the green conservative movement become more mainstream with the GOP.”

And, finally:

“I termed myself [a ‘green conservative’] after I saw the debate erupt about plastic straws. For many years I have worked alongside various non-profits, including Force Blue, of which my husband is a part-time NOAA certified scientific diver…. I think that it is important to remember that we are simply passing on this earth and that it is our duty to leave a clean environment and beautiful world for future generations. I do not believe that is only accomplished through government regulation, ridiculous plans outlawing plane travel, and implementing carbon taxes.

I believe that through free-market capitalism we as a society have the ability to invest in non-profits and take environmental conservatism to the next level. If we could incentivize businesses through tax cuts to implement environmentally friendly business practices, bring manufacturing home, and levy [sic] our weight with our trade allies via increased pressure on them to implement environmentally friendly standards in their countries if they want to trade with us, we would see a great impact globally.”

I’m not as green-sensitive as Luna is, but I appreciate her much more reasoned and non-alarmist approach, as compared to, say, AOC. Luna seems, er, better-informed, as well. It’s a bit early to say much for sure, and I’m sure her platform will require some tweaking. I’d also like to know her stances on LGBTQ+ and religious freedom, for example. But, I think Luna may be an up-n-comer to keep tabs on. I, for one, would love to see some APL vs. AOC sparks on the Congressional floor.


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