Have you seen the “Plandemic” video? I haven’t, yet, but I kept seeing posts about it on Facebook and was wondering if it was worth my time. From the mixed comments I read/heard, it sounded questionable, but I couldn’t be sure. Then, a family-member forwarded some comments on “Plandemic” from an acquaintance of hers, Jeff Westcott, a retired FBI agent. Given his background, I appreciated his approach, so I contacted him for permission to share it here….

A growing number of my friends have posted about and repeatedly shared the “Plandemic” video, commenting that it’s a “must see,” and apparently believing it’s some type of underground gospel that’s so explosive that the powers that be must keep it suppressed. I checked it out for myself and have come to an entirely different conclusion.
Let me start with an aside: The fact that YouTube keeps deleting copies of the video is disturbing. It’s part of their efforts, whether you agree with them or not, to stem the tide of misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic. I think their censorship is the wrong call and just plain stupid. It’s like my friend Russ said: “Tell a kid not to eat the cookies and all of a sudden the forbidden cookies are the most important thing in the world.” So a video that might have remained relatively obscure is now the information “they” (whoever “they” may be) don’t want you to have.
HOT TAKE: This video is garbage and you shouldn’t waste your time watching it.
DISCUSSION: As an FBI agent for 22 years, I devoted myself to finding the truth in every investigation, whether it led to a prosecution or not. I received training in interviewing and interrogation techniques and have conducted hundreds of interviews. I’ve been lied to by expert con men and by other folks who weren’t so good. In the latter part of my career, I served as a media liaison and developed an understanding of how reporters did their work. When I retired, I actually worked for a short time as an investigative reporter for a local newspaper. As a result of all that, I have a strong sense of how to separate fact from fiction and how information can be manipulated to serve a particular purpose.
Starting with the basics, I’m going to put it nicely: “Plandemic” is NOT a documentary and it’s NOT journalism. It’s a story based on one woman’s view of the world: Judy Mikovits, PhD. Although Mikovits has (or used to have) a decent resume in the scientific community and is articulate enough to be convincing on the surface, the entire film, pieced together with agenda-driven narration and eye-catching video, is misleading by virtue of what it says, what it exaggerates, and what it leaves out. (The most notable omission is a complete lack of documentation or proof of Mikovits’s assertions.)

Medical and scientific experts are lining up left and right (and I mean that in the political as well as figurative sense) to discredit both the video and Judy Mikovits. There are plenty of articles you can read if you want a point-by-point rebuttal of what the film says, and I’m going to link a couple of them below, but in all honesty I just couldn’t get through it. By the time I reached the five-minute mark, my BS meter was completely pegged.
In that short time, we hear narration with all kinds of biased and inflammatory language – “…minions of Big Pharma waged war on Dr. Mikovits… [she is] naming names of those behind the plague of corruption that places all human life in the balance…”
All of human life? Really?
Then we see video of helicopters and SWAT teams surrounding a house (never happened), hear the good doctor complaining that she was arrested without a warrant (not true – there was an arrest warrant) and that she was “drug out of the house [while] they searched my house without a warrant.” (Zero evidence that’s true.)
She goes on to say, “…heads of our entire HHS colluded and destroyed my entire reputation, and the Department of Justice and the FBI sat on it and kept that case under seal…”
Umm, the case against her was never a federal one – it was a local Nevada case based on her alleged theft of documents from the lab where she worked. So what exactly did the FBI sit on? The doctor doesn’t say.
She also says Anthony Fauci directed a coverup and “in fact, everybody else was paid off, and paid off big time. Millions of dollars of funding from Tony Fauci’s organization.” She adds that what Fauci has said about the current coronavirus is “absolute propaganda, and the same kind of propaganda that he’s perpetrated to kill millions since 1984.”
Come on, friends. How can you watch this with a straight face?
I encourage you to do your own research. Here are a few links to consider:
On Facebook:
Pretty interesting, eh? Sounds to me like Dr. Mikovits is a bit “off” and perhaps in search of attention. Maybe? I dunno.
By “promoting” Westcott’s assessment (though he has no desire to engage on the topic beyond a few family & friends), some may accuse me of confirmation bias. But, I think it’s good to hear what someone with his training and experience has to say on matters like this. No? And he obviously isn’t the only one to find serious issues with Mikovits’ assertions.
In the end, though, as Westcott says, “do your own research.” Consider opposing views and why their proponents reach the conclusions and adopt the views they do. Think logically and critically. Pray for wisdom and discernment.