On BLM and CRT

The Black Lives Matter movement is an incredibly divisive movement with corrosive values (and I’m not talking about holding brutal and racist cops accountable), and Critical Race Theory is its driving force. We need to be aware of what they really are, so we can better defend against them. With that in mind, I wanted to share a couple quotes I ran across. The first is from Andrew C. McCarthy, Legal Commentator, Terrorism Expert and Former Federal Prosecutor, as he discusses BLM as a political tool of the Left:
“‘The devil made me do it!’ That was how funnyman Flip Wilson explained away his rogue moves in 1970s comedy bits. In 2020, it is Joe Biden’s rationalization of the Black Lives Matter revolution, with Baal taking on a decidedly orange cast. …
Black Lives Matter is not a reaction to Donald Trump. It is a subversive movement of loosely knit but lavishly funded chapters that exploded on the scene in the Obama years, amid the rioting over the killings of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. Demagogues turned those horrific incidents into racial controversies, despite the lack of evidence that racial animus led to the fatal confrontations, and despite the abundant evidence that the decedents were culpable. The Obama-Biden strategy was to embrace BLM as an ally, exploiting BLM’s agitation in order to suppress opposition to shared political goals.
It still is.”
Perhaps the above is not all that profound to those who have been paying attention, but a good, brief recap, nonetheless. This second quote from last month is by David Marcus of The Federalist:

“Last week the Trump administration announced that it would make efforts to ensure Critical Race Theory is not used in diversity programs in the federal government. This came after reports emerged of ‘training sessions’ in which white government employees were basically told they were inherently racist and made to confess and apologize for their privilege. Such sessions have also become popular in the corporate world and in our schools; they are operated by very successful companies trading on white guilt.
One thing that is amazing about Critical Race Theory is that it has absolutely no basis in science. There is no data anywhere to suggest that it has ever made anyone less racist, or that it has ever reduced incidents of racism. Rather it is all based on feelings, lived truth, and not so subtle calls for racial reparations, if not flat out revenge. …
The Trump administration is right to tackle the cancer that is Critical Race Theory head on. It has the potential to tear the nation apart, if it hasn’t already. There is no more time to be silent in the face of this racist ideology. It must be stamped out of public life and we must return to the goal of a truly equal society for every American.”
P.S. For a good article on the BLM/CRT connection and its self-destructive nature, try “Why Black Lives Matter Only Empowers Racist White Leftists”.
P.P.S. Cheers to all you nerds who saw the title and wanted to ask, “What in the world does the Bureau of Land Management have to do with cathode ray tubes?”