No New Funding for IRS
No need to set this up, really. Here is a quote you may have missed from a piece by Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform:
“Congress should not increase funding for the IRS.
Not $40 billion more, as a ‘bipartisan’ group of senators demands. Not $80 billion more, as Biden and the Democrat leadership demand.
Not one red cent.

It is ridiculous to even consider more tax dollars for the Internal Revenue Service until those at the IRS responsible for the ‘leak’ of private tax returns and audits to a left-wing political group, ProPublica, have been identified, fired, and jailed. Releasing IRS data is a crime punishable by five years in prison, per infraction.
Not a penny more should flow to the IRS that only days ago refused to allow a Christian group to incorporate as any other religious nonprofit would because the IRS actually said that promoting Christianity helped the Republican Party.
Rancid religious bigotry and partisan politics from the agency that demands to see all financial data of all nonprofits, including churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples, is unacceptable and unconstitutional. Only because this outrage made the press did the IRS back down. How many such groups are strangled quietly in the crib, never to be heard from?
We know the answer to that one. During the Obama-Biden years, the IRS, led by Obama appointee Lois Lerner, crippled the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party movement by refusing to allow groups that sounded conservative to incorporate as nonprofits. This is normally (by government standards) a quick and easy process, but between 2009 and 2012 only one conservative nonprofit group was allowed to come into being….
During the Obama years IRS agents released rifle shot private information that allowed political thugs to attack American citizens who had made political contributions to “non-woke” causes. The “leaking” by IRS staff was directed against conservatives only. No one was punished….
The IRS should not be rewarded for failing to reform, failing to obey the law, failing to fire those who break the law, and spending tax dollars to act as the enforcer for a partisan political machine.”
Bigotry, corruption, censorship, and maybe a form of redlining. I thought Democrats were supposed to be against such discrimination. More importantly, a federal agency like the IRS is supposed to be non-partisan. But, it’s blatantly clear that the political Left have no compunctions about using the IRS as a club against those they don’t like and disagree with. Why should we fund more of that?