The RUFO Phenomenon, Part 3 of 3
“[M]any of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena which have long been known to theologians and parapsychologists.” — Lynn Catoe, a senior bibliographer for the Library of Congress, after reviewing 1600 books & articles on UFO phenomena

As promised, this week we’ll be taking a closer look at the case for the interdimensional hypothesis as an explanation for residual UFOs (RUFOs). Also, if it is true, is that good or bad, and how should one respond if one has a RUFO encounter?
Before we get into the meat of it, though, I thought it might be useful to provide the commonly-used classification system for “close encounters” (copied from Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men), which I probably should have included in Part 2.
Close encounter of first kind (CE-1): The UFO is sighted at close range (within five hundred feet) of the observer, but it does not affect or interact with the witness or the environment.
Close encounter of second kind (CE-2): The UFO leaves physical effects on the environment (depressed or scorched ground, broken tree limbs, signs of radiation) and may even cause power failures (automobile engines stall, radios stop playing).
Close encounter of third kind (CE-3): The living occupants of the craft are seen by witnesses; however, no communication or further contact takes place. This kind of encounter almost always happens at night and usually with only one or two observers.
Close encounter of fourth kind (CE-4): Direct contact occurs between alien beings and the witness. Apparently taken aboard a spacecraft, the abducted witness interacts extensively with the spacecraft’s occupants.
Close encounter of fifth kind (CE-5): The observer suffers permanent physical injuries or death.
I should mention that, while I’m not going to delve into them here, the Lights in the Sky book also has chapters dedicated to abductees, contactees, and UFO cults.
As already discussed, the natural-explanation hypothesis for RUFOs (i.e., that they are not real) is made improbable by the physical evidence. Cover-ups and conspiracies are extremely unlikely based on all of the physical, historical, and psychological data. The extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is also made implausible, if not impossible, thanks to both the seemingly insurmountable problems with interstellar space travel and the evidence that RUFOs are nonphysical in origin and behavior. Notice that these assessments are based on scientific knowledge, observation, and testing.
This leaves some form of the interdimensional hypothesis (IDH) as the most probable explanation for the persistent phenomenon of residual UFOs. In particular, a biblically-oriented version of IDH best fits the bill. You might wonder, then, how such interdimensional activity jibes with what the Bible teaches and/or assumes. Lights in the Sky goes into more detail, of course, but I’ll share enough to make it clear (I hope).

While we are all familiar with the four dimensions of length, width, height, and time, there are additional physical dimensions that most people don’t know exist. In short, most modern scientists (mathematicians, astrophysicists, cosmologists, etc.) have determined and accepted that we live in a reality that consists of at least ten dimensions. All ten came into existence at the Big Bang, but six of them stopped expanding after the first split second. A ten-dimensional model of physics “accommodates and explains both gravity and quantum physics”, while independently and powerfully corroborating the equations of special and general relativity.
“The principles of physics do not rule out — and in fact, through the demonstrated reliability of the space-time theorems of general relativity, they affirm — a reality beyond the cosmos.”
The Bible is the only holy book / revelation to proclaim “the existence of a personal Creator who can act independently, outside the cosmos — outside its four large space-time dimensions and six tiny space dimensions.” Since the God of the Bible created those dimensions, He is not restricted by them in any way. This helps explain how He, or another being He created with access to other dimensions (or their equivalent) or with trans- or extradimensional capacities, could, for example, appear to pass through a physical barrier without either the being or the barrier breaking (John 20:19). [Check out Beyond the Cosmos for more on our 10D cosmos and the transdimensionality of God.]
For this next section, I’ll let Dr. Hugh Ross explain:
“The Bible extensively, accurately, and uniquely describes the spirit realm (the realm beyond matter, energy, and the ten space-time dimensions associated with matter and energy) on any and all points that can be confirmed by scientific inquiry. Its integrity in these matters lends significant weight to its trustworthiness in addressing those matters that lie beyond the reach of direct scientific confirmation. At the very least, one could argue that because no other holy book or revelation, including the books of the UFO cults, comes close to the Bible’s accuracy in depicting physical reality, the Bible stands alone as the best source of trustworthy revelation about the spirit realm.
The Bible declares the existence of God and of two more distinctively spiritual types of creatures: humans and angels…. Angels, according to the Bible, are intelligent beings existing beyond the space-time dimensions of the universe, subject to God’s spiritual laws but not to all of Earth’s natural laws. Angels within certain limits set by God have the capacity to make contact with humans and even to influence their actions. They can take on what appears to be human form and even consume physical food, as in the case of Abraham and Lot’s visitors (Genesis 18:8; 19:3). Angels in apparent human form also heralded Samson’s birth and greeted the women at Jesus’ empty tomb (Judges 13:2-5, 9-21; Luke 24:4-7). Angels do possess some supernatural powers: the two who visited Sodom struck Lot’s attackers with blindness, and the angel who visited Manoah and his wife ascended in a flame. But angels, as God’s creation, operate within limits set by God, and their powers in no way approach the magnitude of God’s power….

A sizable minority, however, rebelled against God. The first and most powerful of these rebellious angels is called Lucifer, or Satan (among other designations). Those who followed him in rebellion are most often called evil spirits, fallen angels, or demons (Matthew 25:41; Luke 10:18; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Revelation 20:2)….
These biblical parameters, then, offer a basis for making determinations about the source of various RUFO phenomena. If they are from God via His servants, their impact will reflect God’s revealed character and values. All creatures who serve Him, the Bible says, will be recognizable by their exaltation of Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the life given by God. They will further the fulfillment of God’s stated purposes for human beings: to love and serve Him, to love and serve other human beings, and to take care of the world He created. They will never turn attention or worship away from Him toward any other person or being or message of salvation.
If, on the other hand, RUFOs result from the stated purposes and activities of fallen angels, they will reflect a penchant for rejecting or distorting God’s authority and purposes. They will draw attention away from God and the historic Christian gospel and turn it elsewhere. They may appear beautiful, dazzling, and inviting (‘angel of light’; see 2 Corinthians 11:14) or dark, ominous, and confusing. This impact may be immediate and temporary or gradual and long-term. Given the stark contrast between these two possibilities, angels (ministering spirits) and fallen angels (evil spirits), any RUFO impact that proves truly benign may be considered as having a yet-unexplained but theoretically identifiable source — some explanation other than spiritual, or supradimensional.”
Now, keeping the above in mind, let’s focus in again on “close encounters”. Specifically, consider the following list of characteristics of RUFOs:
1) RUFOs favor certain times and locales. (See the two paragraphs immediately following bullet points in Part 2.)
2) RUFOs keep pace with human technology and science fiction. From cigar-shaped dirigibles with propellers going up to 150 mph (1890s) to flying saucers moving at up to 1700 mph (1940s), and they continue to stay just beyond contemporary human tech capabilities.
3) RUFOs seem to have always been around. “Entities such as aerial people, tyrants of the air, ‘cloud ships,’ zephyrs, and ‘elementals,’ reported throughout history, resemble the modern residual UFO phenomenon if one considers the human technology factor.
4) RUFOs match the scientific literacy of their witnesses. For example, UFO “aliens” used to claim to be from the Moon. Once humans realized that was impossible, aliens claimed they were from Venus. When we discovered how hot Venus is, aliens began claiming residence on Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and other distant places in the solar system. Nowadays, “space aliens” point to nearby stars as home.

5) RUFOs make repeat visits to certain witnesses and sites. “[T]he repeat witness file now contains numerous credible witnesses, many well-trained in sky phenomena (for example, astronomers, meteorologists, and pilots), who have no obvious desire for publicity or recognition…. This tracking sometimes follows a witness’s bloodline.” [Check out the “Taken” (2002) TV miniseries for a fictionalized example.]
6) RUFOs visit a select few. “The most significant factor appears to be the activities that people pursue. Observations reveal that professional astronomers deeply involved in cultic, occultic, or New Age pursuits often see RUFOs, whereas professional astronomers who stay away from such pursuits never encounter RUFOs.” This is true among the general populace, as well. In some cases, the connection can even be through the activities of a relative or close friend.
7) RUFOs appear to be alive. “The capacity for UFO apparitions to adapt so well to the mindset of the human observer, irrespective of that observer’s geographical, historical, cultural, and philosophical perspectives, calls into question the deduction that RUFOs are some kind of physical craft.”
8) RUFOs arouse disturbing emotions. Close encounters with residual UFOs “strike witnesses with intense fear, distress, and anxiety.” These emotions often grow worse over time and can develop into hysteria, recurring nightmares, and even insanity.
9) RUFOs cause bodily and psychological harm. I mentioned several physical symptoms/damage in Part 2, and most of them eventually heal. Psychological scars, however, can last for years or even be permanent. “Exposure to residual UFOs at close range causes many witnesses to experience visions, hallucinations, apparent transportation to different regions of space or time, personality changes, and personality disorders. The trauma may be so extreme that some witnesses commit suicide.”
10) RUFOs deceive their human contacts. “Serious UFO researchers note a highly targeted misinformation campaign behind the residual UFO phenomenon. Obviously, RUFOs try mightily to portray themselves as advanced humanoids from a distant planet traveling to Earth in metallic crafts. Less obvious is their attempt to steer witnesses toward a changed philosophy of life. The messages forthcoming from close encounters of the fourth kind launch a two-pronged attack: one against naturalism, the other against orthodox Christianity.”
With all of the above in mind, it seems pretty clear that RUFOs are associated with demonic activity. Many other scholars (including agnostics like Jacques Vallée, J. Allen Hynek, Paul Davies, John Keel, James McCampbell, Jacques Lemaitre) have also concluded that RUFO phenomena line up with the activity of demons, though some may prefer terms like “malevolent beings from another dimension”. (See quote at top of this article, as well.)
Ross gives some final recommendations…
“The conclusion that demons are behind the residual UFO phenomenon is a testable one. According to the bible, demons can attack only those individuals who, through their activities, pursuits, beliefs, friendships, and possessions, invite the attacks (Leviticus 17:7; Deuteronomy 32:15-43; Judges 9:22-57; i Samuel 15:1 – 16:23; Psalm 106:36-43; Luke 11:14-26; Acts 13:6-11; 17:12-20; 1 Corinthians 10:18-22; Revelation 9:20-21). All that is necessary to further prove the conclusion of demonic involvements, therefore, is to continue surveying people to ascertain who has encounters with residual UFOs and who does not.

If the demonic identification of the RUFO phenomenon is correct, researchers should continue to observe a correlation between the degree of invitations in a person’s life to demonic attacks (for example, participation in seances, Ouija games, astrology, spiritualism, witchcraft, palm reading, and psychic reading) and the proximity of their residual UFO encounters. Researchers should also continue to observe residual UFO encounters occurring with the greatest frequency and proximity in those communities and nations that manifest the greatest numbers of people opening themselves up to demonic attacks by their activities, pursuits, beliefs, possessions, and friendships.
One reason why research scientists and others may be reluctant to say specifically that demons exist behind residual UFOs is because such an answer points too directly to a Christian interpretation of the problem. However, the only defense to be found against the evil, deception, and supernatural powers manifested in residual UFOs is in Christianity and the Bible….
The defenses God has provided against demonic oppression and deception are neither complex nor difficult to implement. If you have been troubled by UFO phenomena, here are some steps you can take: (1) Examine your life for any open invitations to demonic oppression and deception. (2) Repent of making those invitations. (Repenting means agreeing with God that providing invitations to demons was wrong and seeking His help to permanently turn away from such invitations.) (3) Confess to God that the invitations to demons provided by your parents or other close relatives were wrong. (4) Take action to demonstrate repentance and to purify your life, including repudiating and renouncing all occult involvement. (5) Turn your life over to Jesus Christ, accepting His offer to forgive all of your sins and giving Him the complete authority He deserves. (6) Acknowledge privately and publicly that His will, not your own, is supreme. (7) Dedicate you heart, soul, mind, and strength to be used for the fulfillment of His purposes….
By trusting the revelation given by the greatest transdimensional Being of them all, people need never wonder about UFOs again. When people put their lives in the hands of this Cause of human existence, this God who loves every person, the fear of UFO demons and what they can do evaporates.”
I hope you have enjoyed and benefited from this 3-part series on RUFOs. It’s certainly a lot of information to digest about UFOs, especially if you weren’t previously aware of some of the characteristics of RUFOs and their effects, or if you never considered what a biblical worldview might indicate about the phenomenon. The physical, psychological, and spiritual dangers should discourage anyone from seeking out such encounters. I encourage you to pick up a copy of the Lights in the Sky book (or borrow one from a friend?) for an even more comprehensive look at this subject.
May God bless you and grant you wisdom and discernment…