In what has become something of a year-end tradition here at “A View from the Right”, my final post for 2017 is a “Top 10” of links (with associated excerpts) to posts from preceding years. (The first two even go back to 2010 and 2011, respectively.) The idea is to give readers — especially newer […]
“The little guys’ voices were heard. Voices in the community were heard. This administration has the strength and the will to be there for us. This is a great day for Utah.” — state Rep. Gregory H. Hughes, the speaker of the Utah House of Representatives Earlier this week and at the recommendation of Secretary […]
“At the most basic level; if Google, Amazon, and Facebook are for it, it probably isn’t in your best interest.” — Tim, commenter on The Daily Wire In less than 2 weeks (Dec. 14), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will be voting on whether or not to reverse current Net Neutrality rules. This has a […]
“How can I repay Adonai for all His bounties to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation, and call on the Name of Adonai.” — Psalms 116:12-13 (Tree of Life Version (TLV)) I know we’re past Thanksgiving Day, but I figured I could still squeeze a related blogpost in before the long weekend […]
“It never happened, and I don’t even like hearing it because it never happened, and they’re doing this a month away, four weeks [before the election], after 40 years in public service.” — Justice Roy Moore, speaking with Sean Hannity I haven’t really been following Roy Moore’s career closely. Though, of course, I remember the […]
“Those who voted for the budget and support the full elimination of the SALT [i.e., state and local tax] deduction have shown they understand the key [tenets] of pro-growth tax reform for individuals: lowering marginal tax rates and doing away with tax subsidies.” — Adam Michel, tax policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation One of […]
While mulling over what to write on this week, I kept thinking about last week’s post. So, I decided to follow it up with a few thoughts — not entirely original, of course — on what I’d like to see in the imminent DACA/DREAMer-oriented legislation. Nothing profound, just my two cents. Knowing that I am […]
“DEFERRED, adj.: put off; postponed; delayed; withheld for or until a stated time” — definition consolidated from Merriam-Webster and American Heritage Before we look at this week’s topic, perhaps we should clarify a few terms…. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA): a program implemented via President Obama’s Dept. of Homeland Security on June 15, 2012, […]
Now that we’ve all survived the Sept. 23rd “apocalypse” (or whatever it was supposed to be), I would like to share a post I saw yesterday from a very sharp young man that I “follow” on Facebook, Tim Dukeman. He is quite prolific with his posts/comments on political, socio-cultural, and theological matters. On those occasions […]
“Morris and I… shared the overriding purpose of making a pile of money. We were not particular about how we did it. We just wanted to be independently rich.” — Millard Fuller, speaking to Harper’s of his early business partnership with Morris Dees The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) pops up again and again in […]