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About Those Back-Alley Abortions…

Published on September 1, 2024 By sirrahc

“These are the faces of women who died because they could not obtain safe and legal abortions. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, these pictures could include your daughter, sister, mother, best friend, granddaughter.” — found on home page (in 2005) for the website of the National Organization for Women (NOW) when Justice O’Connor announced […]

Pro-Life vs. Whole-Life: What Is Consistent and Doable?

Published on June 16, 2024 By sirrahc

“If you think that not paying someone a living wage is morally equivalent to dismembering a living human being, your moral compass is broken.” — Scott Klusendorf, president of Life Training Institute As with last week’s “8 Things the Abortion Debate Is NOT About”, this post is brought to you via the excellent book, The […]

8 Things the Abortion Debate Is NOT About

Published on June 9, 2024 By sirrahc

Allow me to get right to the point. In its essence, the pro-life argument can be summarized with the following syllogism (2 premises and a conclusion): 1) It is morally wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being.2) Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being.3) Therefore, abortion is morally wrong. Personally, I might tweak it […]

The Professor vs. the Student: A Troublesome Dialogue About Science and Faith

Published on October 8, 2023 By sirrahc

As my regular readers know, I am a conservative Christian with an interest in Christian apologetics. It is both interesting and frustrating to see some of the stuff that well-meaning people have put on the internet in order to answer a challenge to their “faith” and/or to put an atheist or other non-Christian in his/her […]

Net Neutrality Is Bad and Here’s Why

Published on December 3, 2017 By sirrahc

“At the most basic level; if Google, Amazon, and Facebook are for it, it probably isn’t in your best interest.”  — Tim, commenter on The Daily Wire In less than 2 weeks (Dec. 14), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will be voting on whether or not to reverse current Net Neutrality rules. This has a […]

A Bad Argument for Banana Design

Published on August 23, 2014 By sirrahc

Okay, here’s another “Real Science” moment from the staff at Reasons to Believe (RTB). This time, Dr. Jeff Zweerink explains why saying “The banana was perfectly designed for human hands.” is a bad argument. (Personally, I don’t think I have ever heard that argument for ID.) This one isn’t quite as weird as the one […]

Informal Logic 101: How to Think and Argue Better, Part 8

Published on November 17, 2013 By sirrahc

Part 8: Validity and Clarity “Most of the arguments to which I am party fall somewhat short of being impressive, owing to the fact that neither I nor my opponent knows what we are talking about.”  — Robert Benchley, American columnist & actor Hey, folks! Ready for another lesson in logic? Of course, you are!! […]

Conservatives Equal to KKK?

Published on October 23, 2013 By sirrahc

Originally, I was going to use this in Sunday’s installment of my “Informal Logic 101” series. But, I opted not to, ‘cuz it wasn’t quite what I was looking for. It is still worth commenting on, though, so… An example of a bad argument can be found in a recent editorial in Connecticut’s New Haven […]

Informal Logic 101: How to Think and Argue Better, Part 7

Published on October 20, 2013 By sirrahc

Part 7: Causes and Comparisons “Correlation does not equal causation.”  — many people, including me (‘cuz it makes me sound smart) We’re baaaaaaack, and we have a lot of ground to cover, so let’s get started! Clear thinking & reasoning require at least a basic understanding of causal relationships. Unfortunately, it’s also easy to make […]