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The Problem with Price Controls

Published on November 24, 2024 By sirrahc

“Price-fixing always does harm and it is never a cure for inflation.” — Hazlitt & Wesbury In May 1972, the first issue of Imprimis featured an article (“The Dangers of Price Controls”) by Henry Hazlitt, the noted author/journalist on matters of business and economics. The Federal Reserve had been printing a lot of money to […]

The Truth About Tariffs

Published on September 8, 2024 By sirrahc

“Do tariffs defy the laws of supply and demand and lift our standard of living?” — opening question in “Separating Tariff Facts from Tariff Fictions” by Erica York, Cato Institute Every once in awhile, the issue of tariffs comes up in the news. Even with my limited knowledge of economics and tariffs, I know that, […]

A (Very) Brief History of Inflation in America

Published on March 27, 2022 By sirrahc

“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.” — Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize-winning economist Thanks primarily to bad governmental policy, Americans have noticed their hard-earned dollars are buying noticeably less these […]

Sowell Sets Us Straight on “Trickle Down” Economics

Published on December 13, 2015 By sirrahc

This is sure to come up in the elections, especially by Hillary and Bernie, so listen up…. I always thought that “trickle down” economics was a snarky reference to some aspect of Reaganomics. Turns out, I was only half right. While prepping this post, I discovered that Ronald Reagan’s disillusioned budget director, David Stockman, later […]

Why the Left Should Be Pro-Life

Published on November 15, 2015 By sirrahc

“Secularists, for various reasons, have a notoriously low birth rate by comparison to their more religious neighbors. And, according to Darwinistic expectations, strong populations will inevitably multiply, dominating smaller, weaker ones. By failing to produce offspring, Secular society will eventually be judged and found wanting by its own dogmatics.”  — Wes Walker, writer With my […]