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Countering Abolitionist Accusations of Pro-Lifers’ Moral Compromise

Published on September 15, 2024 By sirrahc

“Even with a bill that they believe will or could be a successful end run around the tyranny of the federal judiciary, [those who passed the Texas ‘heartbeat’ bill] still chose to violate God’s law absent any even pragmatically compelling reason to do so. This is indicative of an addiction to compromise on the part […]

Pro-Life Incrementalism vs Abolitionist Immediatism

Published on May 22, 2022 By sirrahc

Longtime readers might remember that I have mentioned and quoted from Samuel Sey’s “Slow to Write” blog before. Sam recently wrote a post explaining why he takes the incrementalist approach to pro-life activism over the abolitionist immediatist approach. I thought Sam did a fine job of laying out both approaches and pointing out pluses and […]