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Origins or Functions?: Contra the Walton Forms of Bara and Asa

Published on August 4, 2024 By sirrahc

This is the fifth & final entry in my series citing Rescuing Inerrancy: A Scientific Defense (2023) by Dr. Hugh Ross. If you have read any of the earlier entries in this series, you might remember Dr. John Walton being mentioned as one of the modern Christian theologians making controversial claims regarding the Bible and […]

One Day While Scrolling Along…

Published on March 5, 2023 By sirrahc

As you will soon see, the incident I discuss in this post involves an anti-atheism meme, but the post itself has little to do with atheism. (I did an atheism article a few weeks ago, if you’re interested.) Rather, it is a certain contingent of my fellow-Christians that I have concerns about here. One day […]

Primer on Origins Views for Christians (Part 3b of 3)

Published on September 6, 2015 By sirrahc

“The facts of nature yield positive help in many ways for interpreting Scripture statements correctly, and the discipline of wrestling with the problem of relating the two sets of facts, natural and biblical, leads to a greatly enriched understanding of both.”  — J.I. Packer, noted Christian theologian & pastor Part 1 Part 2 Part 3a […]

Primer on Origins Views for Christians (Part 3a of 3)

Published on August 30, 2015 By sirrahc

“In matters that are obscure and far beyond our vision, even in such as we may find treated in Holy Scripture, different interpretations are sometimes possible without prejudice to the faith we have received.”  — St. Augustine (AD 354-430), Bishop of Hippo, early Christian theologian & philosopher Part 1 Part 2 Part 3b Whereas the […]

Hugh Ross: In the Beginning

Published on July 27, 2014 By sirrahc

This post is a little different — a break for me (since I wasn’t sure I’d have something else ready in time) and, hopefully, a treat for you. It is a video from a conference held not long ago at Woodcrest Worldwide Church called “In the Beginning” — not to be confused with another conference […]

Millions of Years of Disease in a ‘Very Good’ Creation (Part 2 of 2)

Published on February 17, 2013 By sirrahc

“Men seek an explanation of suffering in cause and effect. They look backwards for a connection between prior sin and present suffering. The Bible looks forwards (sic) in hope and seeks explanations, not so much in origins as in goals. The purpose of suffering is seen, not in its cause, but in its result. The […]

Millions of Years of Disease in a ‘Very Good’ Creation (Part 1 of 2)

Published on February 10, 2013 By sirrahc

If you are at all familiar with Christian apologetics, whether engaging challenges from non-theists or from Christians with different views, you know that the topic of pain, suffering, and death is a major issue. (In fact, Darwin’s struggle with this was the impetus for developing his theory.) These things are considered “evil”, so the question […]