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FBI Doctored Evidence at Mar-a-Lago

Published on May 12, 2024 By sirrahc

Did you catch this bombshell? I don’t think I saw anything about it in mainstream media. (Then again, I don’t spend much time perusing the MSM.) Sure, outfits like NPR and The Guardian reported on the related fact that presiding US district court judge Aileen Cannon delayed the trial. But, this particular detail about the […]

Soda Taxes Hurt the Poor and Don’t Work

Published on May 26, 2019 By sirrahc

“Sin tax proponents have shifted gears by arguing that taxation is mainly aimed at compensating society for the drains sinners impose on the public healthcare budget and reducing the harm consumers do to themselves. With this new push, the limits of what defines a sin steadily are being expanded.”  — “‘Sin Tax’ Costs Outweigh Benefits” […]