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Christians Cannot Ignore Politics in the Culture Wars

Published on August 2, 2020 By sirrahc

Despite the Judeo-Christian beginnings of the United States of America, there are some Americans these days who want to silence and marginalize Christians. (See my last couple posts.) While claiming to be “tolerant”, many will use bullying tactics to do so. (I suspect I’m not telling you anything new, here.) Yet, some Christians seem to […]

A Few Thoughts on the 2nd GOP Debate

Published on September 20, 2015 By sirrahc

I wasn’t going to post anything on the debate, figuring lil-ol’-me’s comments would get lost in the crowd. But, then I decided, “Why not!” It’ll help me think things through and maybe help someone else, too. I didn’t even watch the debate when it aired, since I was out for the evening and missed the […]