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Top 7 Recommended Creation/Evolution/ID Books NOT by RTB/Hugh Ross

Published on August 25, 2024 By sirrahc

Hey, all! It occurred to me that, given how many books I read by the scholars at Reasons to Believe — in particular, Dr. Hugh Ross — and how often I quote them in this blog, some people might think RTB is basically my only source on matters of science apologetics. Do I ever recommend […]

So, You Want to Learn about Old-Earth Creationism…

Published on December 6, 2015 By sirrahc

“Increasing our understanding of truth constitutes a large part of our assignment here on Earth…. As scientists discover more and more about the realm of nature and everything within it, including ourselves and our beginnings, we can be certain that the evidence for its divine design as well as for the divine inspiration of Scripture […]