Alternative Job Recommendation for Romney
I’ve been thinking about Mitt Romney and his skill set.
You know how he made the bulk of his fortune? Investing in and, in many cases, turning around poorly performing and/or financially underwater organizations. For whatever reasons, these businesses had lost their way and were headed for bankruptcy. Aside from an infusion of cash, they needed a fresh perspective and someone who could see what needed to be done to survive — including making hard choices — and DID IT!
Well, I know just the organization that needs Romney’s help. It has been in operation since 1775 and made many changes and improvements over that time. But, right now, it is facing some challenges due to its gigantic size (and associated costs), large competitors, economic recession, and the alternative technologies taking away a good deal of its business — not to mention, inefficiency and government micromanagement. It is seriously in debt and on a downward spiral unless drastic measures are taken very soon. Of course, I am talking about the United States Postal Service.
So,… I would like to suggest that the best job for Romney at this juncture is not POTUS but Special Consultant for the Salvation of the U.S. Postal Service. I think that whatever Congressional committee(s) has/have ultimate oversight for the U.S. Postal Service, along with the USPS Board of Governors, should hire Romney to do what he does best for the U.S. Postal Service. If given sufficient authority, flexibility, and (hopefully bipartisan) support, I believe Romney could pull the USPS’s fat out of the fire.
Yes, it will need to be a slimmed down version of itself, which means some closings & layoffs (already being discussed) and probably some changes in service & availability that the public would need to adjust to. Some regulations will probably have to be modified or repealed, and the USPS may even need to go privatized or semi-privatized. But, Romney has experience both in pursuing innovative solutions and in making the hard decisions re finances and labor. He has done so with traditional businesses and with the 2002 Winter Olympics. He would need the cooperation of the Postmaster General and the Inspector General, but I am confident that Mitt Romney could be the savior of the U.S. Postal Service. And, since the USPS is part of the executive branch, I think President Newt Gingrich would be happy to have him. ;>
On the other hand, if Romney doesn’t want to take on this challenge, maybe Herman Cain would be up for it?