Torn-Curtain Call
I have something different for you this Easter season. A real treat! A Facebook acquaintance of mine is Tom Graffagnino, Esq. (I added the “esquire” bit. Just sounded right.) Like me, Tom is a Bible-believing follower of Jesus Christ, who is also quite concerned about the moral decline (among other things) in this nation and world. Unlike me, he is a clever poet, communicating his socio-political and worldview commentary in verse. Not only that, but a few months ago I discovered that Tom is also a talented and accomplished artist. (If you are curious, just check out his website. Some of his limited editions are available for purchase.)
Having run out of time to properly research and write a fitting post for Easter (or, “Resurrection Day”, if you prefer), something — someONE? — made me think of Tom. I had been meaning to contact him about contributing something to this blog, and this seemed like the perfect occasion. (“Help, Tom! Get me out of a jam!”) So, I looked through his website, got an idea of what I wanted to do, and I asked him. Fortunately, Tom was gracious enough to give his blessing. So,…
The following is an Easter-themed piece that Tom wrote, along with an image of one of his artistic creations (as is the cross drawing above). In fact, he has a whole series of mixed media collages that represent the words in red, and he describes the connection to the poem here.
Praise at This Torn-Curtain Call
In His side, His flesh still open
Gashes torn into His hands.
Put your hand there, Doubting Thomas…
Enter there and understand.
Touch that Chamber broken open;
Seek the Treasure found within…
Find that shocking Sanctuary;
Know the awful truth of Sin.
Find the Holy Spirit-Treasure
In this sacrificial wound.
Seek the cleft, God’s Holy Mercy…
Freedom for the once-entombed!
Enter there the Sacred Precinct,
Be there wed to Holy Love.
Find this Hiding Place of Mercy
Excavated from above.
Spear us, Lord, with Calv’ry’s message;
Spare us not this Cross of pain.
Show us how we crucified You.
Teach us how our Sin has reigned.
Don’t allow us to deny it;
Take us to your Sacred Heart.
Wash us with this Blood and Water….
New Creation….Second Start.
Blessed Bride of Second Adam,
Through the rib, re-born and free;
By this Faith His Seed was planted…
Granted Peace and Heaven’s Key.
Didymus, Lord, bowed before You;
Like him, on our knees we fall.
We rejoice, Lord…It is finished!
Praise at Your Torn-Curtain Call.
“So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though once we regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them.” — II Corinthians 5:16-19a (NIV)
May you have a blessed day as we remember the most wondrous Gift from God, Salvation through the sacrifice and resurrection of His Son Jesus!