Hugh Ross: In the Beginning
This post is a little different — a break for me (since I wasn’t sure I’d have something else ready in time) and, hopefully, a treat for you. It is a video from a conference held not long ago at Woodcrest Worldwide Church called “In the Beginning” — not to be confused with another conference by that title — that featured Dr. Hugh Ross and others from the Reasons to Believe (RTB) apologetics ministry/organization.
This particular clip is different than the usual seminar or debate-style vidoes. Instead, Dr. Ross is essentially interviewed by a pastor (who reminds me a bit of Glenn Beck). They begin by talking a little about Ross’s early interest in science (e.g., reading books on physics and astronomy at age 7) and what struck him about the Genesis account, when he first read through the Bible at age 17. Then, they step through Genesis chapter 1 (with reference to passages in other books, like Job and Psalms), discussing the Creation Days and the scientific discoveries that support/confirm what is stated and described in the biblical text.
It’s a fun exchange, and Dr. Ross gets to lay out much of the RTB Creation Model, explaining several points of fine-tuning and -timing in the preparation for life on Earth. (He even mentions how YouTube is becoming a “research database”!) Whether you are a Christian or not, creationist or not, I think you will find it fascinating.