10th Anniversary of “A View from the Right” Blog
“I don’t know what I’m doing, and it’s the not knowing that makes it interesting.” — Philip Glass, composer & pianist
I couldn’t let the month of October pass without noting the 10th Anniversary of the “A View from the Right” blog!
Whew! It really is hard to believe it has been that long. I’ve certainly learned a lot researching and writing AVftR, and I hope my readers have learned a thing or two from it, as well. Whether about current events or scientific discoveries, Bible passages/issues or cultural trends, I always try to make the material accessible to laypersons… like me. So, to all of you who take time to read my posts (and especially if you leave a thoughtful comment), a thousand thank yous.
What’s in store going forward?
I have no current plans to alter the appearance of the blog, though that is subject to change if I come across a free or cheap theme that I really like. I’ll continue to write on the same mix of topics as always, since that is what I (usually) enjoy and feel motivated to do. However, I do have a few changes planned, which I haven’t had time to tackle, yet.
In the next few weeks-to-months, you can expect updates to the ‘Fellow Bloggers’ and ‘Recommended Reading’ on the right, as well as the rotating ‘Featured Content’ at the top of the home page. Plus, I’m thinking of replacing the “In the Library…” page (which got very few clicks and no longer works, anyway) with something else. Maybe I’ll take another look at available plug-ins, too.
I haven’t done much to market this blog, especially in recent years, so traffic has never been very high. I’ve even noticed a slump in page views over the past year. Not sure why. So, if you read something here that you like, please share it (Facebook? email? Twitter?) with like-minded friends. And even non-like-minded friends, if they are open to reading other views. Or, just recommend the blog in general. I really appreciate it…
Here’s to another 10 years…!