Legalizing Voting Fraud
“This will have a huge impact not only at the national level but on the state and county levels as well!” — Mat Staver, Chairman of Liberty Council Action
I don’t normally post on this blog during the week, but I felt that this needed to be shared right away.
HR 1, legislation now before the House of Representatives, is called the “For the People Act”. That sounds good, but it is another Orwellian bill that will actually “dilute your vote, encourage fraud [and] vote buying, and solidify the control radicals have over individual Americans.” As per LC Action:

“This bill is more than 320 pages long with more than 117,000 words. Here are a few of the most egregious and dangerous aspects:
1) It unconstitutionally removes election authority from the states and places the federal government in control of our voting system. This makes organized corruption easier and more enticing. The Constitution recognized the risk of controlled elections and intentionally placed this power within the states.
2) It automatically registers people to vote based on government and private records, and individuals who do not wish to vote will be forced to decline their registration. This creates a much larger list of low-interest registrants which provides a greater opportunity to steal their ballots and fraudulently vote.
3) It tracks and makes public every single donation dollar. This will have a chilling effect on people who want to donate but are too scared, especially after radicals created an interactive map that pinpointed the full names and addresses of all known associates who donated to the Trump campaign. That provided roving bands of Antifa and BLM everything they needed to target people.
4) It changes the Federal Election Commission from a neutral body into a partisan-controlled group with little accountability to the voters. This reduces the protection for honest elections and places them under the control of whatever party is currently in power.
And this is just the beginning of this shocking power grab which would swing the door wide open to continue election fraud. This bill must be stopped! We have the ability, if we stick together. Democrats have a slim majority in the House and not enough votes to overcome a filibuster in the Senate. This is why they need to see an outpouring of opposition to this bill….
There is SO much more in this horrible bill. It…
o Requires same-day voter registration nationwide. This makes voter fraud significantly easier, especially in states with off-year elections.
o Prevents poll watchers from cooperating with election officials to identify and challenge voter registrations concerning fraud.
o Demands that states give all released criminals the privilege to vote.
o Forces states to extend periods of early voting, which has shown to have zero impact on turnout.
o Restricts the ability of states to work together to catch people registered in multiple states.
I am giving you just an overview of this bill. There is more, but time is short to convey the extent of damage this bill will do. It already has more than 218 cosponsors in the House. This is a very serious threat to our nation.”
Let your concerns about this terrible bill be known to your representatives today, whether through LC Action or otherwise. At the very least, share this information with others!