Legalizing Voting Fraud II
“If HR 1 passes, it will destroy every action states are taking to fight for election integrity. We cannot allow this to happen!” — Mat Staver of LC Action
I had intended on covering a very different topic this week, but I got a couple more emails from Liberty Counsel Action. Chairman Mat Staver reminds us of the severe implications of the pending “For the People Act of 2021”, which is being pushed by the political Left. There may be some overlap here with what was in my “Legalizing Voting Fraud” post back in February (and the bill has since passed the House with a near party-line vote of 220-210), but it’s important we not forget about this.

“There are 49 U.S. senators who have co-sponsored the election fraud bill (HR 1, SR 1). Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and every single Republican senator are standing together to block this from passing right now as a part of reconciliation or other legislative loopholes to avoid a filibuster. If we lose just one more senator, this bill could pass, and we will never have fair elections again….
This horrendous bill is almost 900 pages long and contains countless new mandates. HR 1 (also called SR 1) will do all of the following:
o Seize authority from the states and place the federal government in complete control of elections.
o Ban voter ID laws and permit same-day registration.
o Mandate no-fault mail-in ballots.
o Force states to accept mail-in ballots up to 10 days after Election Day.
o Automatically register all individuals (as opposed to just “citizens”) from age 16, and thus require the person to opt out.
o Register convicted felons.
o Allow people to vote outside their precinct.
o Punish anyone who questions the validity of the voter.
o Prevent poll watchers from cooperating with election officials to identify and challenge voter registrations concerning fraud.
o With same-day registration, no ID and no ability to verify a voter, a person can go precinct to precinct voting multiple times under different names and cannot be caught before their phony ballots are combined with legitimate votes.And this is just the beginning of how this shocking bill will legalize election fraud. Future election winners will be the politician with the most sophisticated voter fraud. If this bill passes, your vote will become meaningless….
HR 1 forces states to accept voter registrations online without demonstrating any physical proof of residency. One person could fraudulently register hundreds or even thousands of fake voters and vote using those names.
With in-person registration, the voter must be physically present in the community, and if the person registers as multiple people, the fraudster runs the risk of quickly being identified, detained and prosecuted. But none of these safeguards apply to online voter registration!
Keep in mind that in Georgia, we watched hidden ballots being pulled out from under a table after poll watchers were kicked out. And nearly 10,000 voters were found to have voted twice in that state in the 2016 and 2018 elections. In the border state of Arizona, thousands of voters in just one county never proved their citizenship but were still allowed to vote. In Michigan, government employees actively trained election officials to commit fraud and destroy legitimate ballots.”
Even if you are skeptical about that last paragraph, you should be very concerned about HR 1 / SR 1. Please, make sure your friends are aware of this incredibly dangerous bill, and let your Senators know how much you object to it! (Unless they are far-Lefties, it will work against them, too.)
Allow me to repeat my opening quote: “If HR 1 passes, it will destroy every action states are taking to fight for election integrity. We cannot allow this to happen!”