When Leftists Control Your City
Lootings and shootings and murders, oh my!
Also, car thefts, armed carjackings, train robberies, arson, vandalism, aggravated assaults, etc.

When Leftists who run cities (i.e., mayors, district attorneys, city councils) defund their police force, refuse to prosecute serious crimes, even encourage lootings and arson by rioters, manipulate the system in favor of criminals, and generally exhibit and encourage an anti-law enforcement attitude, is it really any surprise when those cities devolve into crime-ridden anarchy and become so dangerous as to be nigh-unlivable? Is it any surprise that residents trying to survive in those cities are fed up and demanding that the police be funded appropriately once more and that criminals be punished?
Writer/podcaster Jarrett Stepman has provided many of the details about eight American cities where this has happened and is happening. It’s an informative read and one that summarizes what we have been seeing and reading about (and some have been experiencing firsthand) over the past few years.