Socialism Always Fails
“[Socialism is] a pseudo-religion posing as a pseudo-science and run by political elites.” — Lee Edwards of The Heritage Foundation’s B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics

Radical progressives want to turn America into a socialist “paradise”. They do this by teaching the “evils” of capitalism and the promises of socialism (i.e., gateway to communist totalitarianism). I say “promises” rather than “good” or “benefits”, because the latter don’t exist.
Some “progressives” like to point to prosperous Scandinavian countries (e.g., Denmark, Norway) as examples of socialism working, but those countries — which may indeed have some socialist facets — have capitalist policies and exploitation of natural resources to thank for the wealth that pays for welfare states, etc. On the other hand, some “progressives” claim that true socialism has never been implemented. On the contrary, it has and fails every time. It is either checked before it gets too far (e.g., modern Israel, India, Thatcher’s UK), or the elites succeed in pushing it until it naturally morphs into communism (e.g., Cuba, Venezuela, Russia). Socialism never puts power in the hands of the people.
We can’t afford to let the progressives in America drag this great nation over the idealistic but disastrous cliff of socialism.
You can find discussion on the above and more in Lee Edwards’ recent article: “Dismantling 4 Myths About Socialist ‘Paradise’”.