EPA Regulations, Biden’s Anti-Christian Bias, and Blackwashing
Sometimes I want to comment on a thing, but I’m not sure I want to do a full article on it. So, this week I’m taking three of those things and giving each a paragraph or two apiece. They aren’t connected. Just think of it as “highlighted news items of the week” or something like that….
First up is an article at The Daily Signal by Heritage’s Travis Fisher, a senior research fellow in energy and environment. I think a couple quotes will give you the gist of the issue:

“The Environmental Protection Agency is using shaky science to tighten regulations on ambient levels of tiny particulate matter in the air — from dust to fireplace smoke to car exhaust — in other words, essential byproducts of industrial activity and daily life. If the final rule, which is expected in the coming months, is anything like the proposed rule, the EPA will continue to give itself increasing authority to regulate more of American life….
The stakes are high. This time, if we give in to the “trust The Science” crowd, we risk handing over the master key that will allow the EPA to overregulate just about everything we do. Under the proposed rule, states would have to do what the EPA says or risk losing their highway funds.”
The Left wants control, and power-grabbing government bureaucracies are an effective tool in their arsenal… but only when we let them.
Next, Trump’s former press secretary and current Fox News host/commentator, Kayleigh McEnany, recently ran down a number of examples of the Biden administration’s apparent anti-Christian/anti-Catholic bias in action.
“When you have an administration that won’t use the word Christian, when six Christians are murdered, when you have an administration whose FBI talks about going after radical, traditional Catholics… Just yesterday, we learned from Jim Jordan, an undercover agent, and the talk of going into Catholic churches. And then this, when Mike Lee puts forward there have been 34 arrests of pro-lifers, many of whom have been exonerated in courts of law. 81 attacks on… pro-life facilities, and only two prosecuted? That doesn’t include Catholic churches. What does that all add up to? An overt, anti-conservative, anti-Catholic, anti-Christian bias on the part of this administration. It’s not that hard. You just add up the pieces, and you see what they equal.”
Yep. The Bible says that followers of Jesus will experience persecution. But, it doesn’t say we should ignore or give in to unjust treatment. To the contrary, we must call it out publicly and fight back — legally when possible, but also in defiance of bad laws when necessary.
Finally, I got a bit of a chuckle from this last one…

It seems that a Black biracial actress, Adele James, was cast as Cleopatra in a new docuseries, and Egyptian scholars don’t like it. They are accusing Netflix of “blackwashing” the Greek-Egyptian queen.
MSN’s article says “[s]cholars have confirmed that Cleopatra was Macedonian-Greek on her father Ptolemy XII’s side but her mother’s ethnic origin is unknown.” The Egyptologist who consulted on the docuseries, Sally-Ann Ashton, has her reasons for thinking the queen was not of purely European blood. On the other hand, noted Egyptologist Zahi Hawass is on record as saying that Cleopatra was most likely not of mixed race but rather a light-skinned Greek.
An Egyptian lawyer has filed a complaint with the nation’s public prosecutor, requesting Netflix be blocked in Egypt for promoting “Afrocentric thinking” including “slogans and writings aimed at distorting and erasing the Egyptian identity.”
Now, I don’t have a horse in this race, as they say. And, if Cleopatra’s maternal lineage is in fact unresolved, then a dark-skinned mother is a possibility, which means a “Black biracial” actress could be accurate. But, the reason I find this somewhat humorous is because it is usually Black people complaining about the “whitewashing” of people of color for supposedly ethnocentric reasons, and now they are on the other side of such a controversy. What goes around, comes around, I suppose.