Moral and Historical Clarity on the Situation in Israel
“No Peace with Israel. No Recognition of Israel. No Negotiations with Israel.” — statement from the Arab League Summit (1967)
It wasn’t easy to choose a topic for this week, but I eventually decided on the Israel vs. Palestine/Hamas war. But, rather than me spending a lot of time writing something up, I found a couple videos that covered much of what I wanted to. Aside from pauses and rewinds, it should only take about 10 minutes to watch them both.
The first is (obviously) commentary by Ben Shapiro about the current situation and atrocities committed by Hamas…
This next video gives more historical background regarding the Palestinians and the regions of Gaza Strip and the West Bank…
Is it comprehensive? No. Obviously, much more could be said, many more details given. But, this is a very good summary that helps to demonstrate why many — perhaps the majority of — Arab Muslims are not truly interested in a two-state solution. Palestinian leaders have rejected such offers multiple times. Given a choice, they refuse to share even the air they breathe with Jews, let alone be peaceful neighbors.
OK, that was all I had intended to share. But, if you have another 6 minutes to spare, please watch this one of a Palestinian intellectual laying down some facts and entreating his own people…
Think carefully, my friends!