“Did you not see the radical, destructive, anti-Christian policy decisions he would make?” — Michael Brown The following is an edited-down version of a column by Christian theologian, apologist, and radio host Dr. Michael Brown. I largely agree with Brown’s position and his frustration with the incredulity of pro-life evangelicals who voted for Joe Biden. […]
The following insightful remarks are from Dr. Owen Strachan, Provost and Research Professor of Theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. I’m not certain, but they may be excerpted either from Strachan’s latest book, Christianity and Wokeness, or an upcoming one. Regardless, I think he drops some much-needed truth bombs (as one FB commenter put it). […]
No need to set this up, really. Here is a quote you may have missed from a piece by Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform: “Congress should not increase funding for the IRS. Not $40 billion more, as a ‘bipartisan’ group of senators demands. Not $80 billion more, as Biden and the Democrat […]
“To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.” — Conor Barnes, former radical Even before the extreme radicalization and push for “social justice”, Critical Race Theory and its kin, etc., of recent years, I observed more […]
The issue of “religious rights” and the “free exercise of religion” is a contentious one in the United States. (And elsewhere, of course.) It boils down to “Who is allowed to do what?” and “Who decides?” Naturally, the First and Fourteenth Amendments come up, as does the fan-favorite “separation of church and state”. Incidentally, that […]
Here is another fascinating citation from Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay (see last week’s post). The symptoms and situations will sound familiar, and the authors provide helpful explanations of the SJ reasoning behind it all. (I hesitate to use the term “reasoning”, because part of the problem is the postmodernist skepticism about […]
“Use this sword against my enemies, if I give righteous commands; but if I give unrighteous commands, use it against me.” — Roman Emperor Trajan, speaking to a subordinate In my post a couple weeks back about Romans 13 and civil government, I referred to a book called The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates (2013) […]
Preface: This article is not a reaction to any specific current event, though it is relevant to the general state of affairs in the U.S. and elsewhere. I have also seen instances recently of people quoting or pointing to Romans 13 in Facebook posts and articles. I would like to present three arguments that the […]
I’m struggling. Struggling with feelings of anger, frustration, appallment, disappointment, fear, sadness, etc., in regards to both our nation (the U.S.) and the invasion of the U.S. Capitol building by mostly-pro-Trump protesters on Jan. 6. (And it was neither an attempted “coup” nor “domestic terrorism”, by the way.) On the other hand, the Bible says […]
As with yesterday’s bonus post, today’s post is a citation of recent Facebook comments by Scott Klusendorf, President of Life Training Institute, the formatting of which I have adjusted for readability. “Yesterday, a pastor of a politically diverse congregation asked what he should say to his people about voting. Here is what I sent him… […]