“If you think President Trump is a terrible person and you’re mad that a pastor chose to pray for him, then you need to swiftly reexamine the gospel message — and your own heart. Trump’s sin should not deflect our desire and responsibility to pray for Him — indeed the more sin we observe the […]
“[The Equality Act is the] most extreme threat to religious freedom, free speech, privacy, and to women’s rights that has ever been proposed by Congress. [It] will be used as a wrecking ball to churches, religious organizations, religious freedom, and free speech.” — Liberty Counsel The Equality Act has been around for several years, and […]
“28 Simeon took Him [i.e., the baby Jesus] up in his arms, praised God, and said: 29 Now, Master, You can dismiss Your slave in peace, as You promised. 30 For my eyes have seen Your salvation. 31 You have prepared it in the presence of all peoples — 32 a light for revelation to […]
“No matter how difficult this has been, if I don’t represent the Christian perspective — the minority perspective — there won’t be anyone to represent these views.” — Isabella Chow to Fox News On Oct. 31 of this year, at the request of the Queer Alliance Resource Center (QARC), a measure was voted upon by […]
“The exercise seems aimed primarily at avoiding contact with antiquated beliefs, racist language, and sexist assumptions.” — Thomas D. Williams, PhD I confess, I’m not really a “classic lit” sort of guy. Although, I have read a few of the usual entries in whole (e.g., The Holy Bible, The Hobbit, Mere Christianity) or in part […]
“[S]tupid. Asinine. Ridiculous. Ludicrous. Imbecilic. Witless. Obtuse. Fatuous. Harebrained. Doltish. Preposterous.” — Ben Shapiro, commenting on Rabbi Kolton’s claims Originally, I was going to blog on something more politically-oriented this week, like infamous memos & dossiers, or maybe the budget deal. But, I came across something else that piqued my interest much more, so… The […]
“He pushed with all his might, and the temple fell on the leaders and all the people in it. And the dead he killed at his death were more than those he had killed in his life.” — Judges 16:30b (HCSB) It wasn’t all that long ago — certainly within my lifetime — that instances […]
“How can I repay Adonai for all His bounties to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation, and call on the Name of Adonai.” — Psalms 116:12-13 (Tree of Life Version (TLV)) I know we’re past Thanksgiving Day, but I figured I could still squeeze a related blogpost in before the long weekend […]
“It never happened, and I don’t even like hearing it because it never happened, and they’re doing this a month away, four weeks [before the election], after 40 years in public service.” — Justice Roy Moore, speaking with Sean Hannity I haven’t really been following Roy Moore’s career closely. Though, of course, I remember the […]
To those who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces: With a heart of gratitude, we honor and thank you for that service and for your sacrifice. Like!0