“If a homicidal, Iranian-funded, terrorism proxy wants to pick up your college education tab, you really, really might want to reevaluate things.” — Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) on X/Twitter (May 3, 2024) It wasn’t all that long ago that we were all — Left and Right — shaking our heads in wonderment at this big […]
“If you think that not paying someone a living wage is morally equivalent to dismembering a living human being, your moral compass is broken.” — Scott Klusendorf, president of Life Training Institute As with last week’s “8 Things the Abortion Debate Is NOT About”, this post is brought to you via the excellent book, The […]
Allow me to get right to the point. In its essence, the pro-life argument can be summarized with the following syllogism (2 premises and a conclusion): 1) It is morally wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being.2) Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being.3) Therefore, abortion is morally wrong. Personally, I might tweak it […]
Did you catch this bombshell? I don’t think I saw anything about it in mainstream media. (Then again, I don’t spend much time perusing the MSM.) Sure, outfits like NPR and The Guardian reported on the related fact that presiding US district court judge Aileen Cannon delayed the trial. But, this particular detail about the […]
“[I]t is the progressive elites, not their conservative opponents, who are engaging in cultural revolution!” — Heather Mac Donald, Manhattan Institute As you may know, I often share excerpts from relevant articles at other publications. One semi-regular source is Imprimis — the newsletter from Hillsdale College, which adapts presentations from their seminars and lecture series […]
“[I]f you have an existing nuke, keep it open if you can. I think most people are agnostic on new nuclear, hoping that the next generation of reactors might pan out but fearing that they’ll be too expensive.” — Bill McKibben, author, activist, founder of 350.org If this topic sounds vaguely familiar, it might be […]
“[T]he NIPCC’s regional approach to analyzing extreme events and historical and paleo records of temperature, rainfall, streamflow, glaciers, sea ice, and sea-level rise is commendable and frankly more informative than the global analyses provided by the IPCC.” — Dr. Judith Curry, then-professor and chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech […]
“That’s not the resume of a ‘uniter in chief.’” — Jarrett Stepman, columnist for The Daily Signal and author of The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past What do you consider to be the biggest failures of the Biden administration (or, as some prefer, “Biden regime”), so far? Earlier this month, in […]
Some conspiracies are true. We hear a lot about “conspiracy theories” and the “nuts” that espouse them. In many cases, the theories are indeed unbalanced and not supported by evidence and/or rational thinking. But, conspiracies happen all the time, especially in the halls of power. The etymology of the word “conspire” means to “breathe together”. […]
“[S]omething is going on and black voters are breaking with past voting patterns.” — Star Parker, president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education In the 2016 election, only 8% of Black voters supported Donald Trump. That number increased to 12% in 2020. As of a poll taken by Siena College and the New […]