“Final authority resides only with the Author of all creation, who places human beings in His creation, made in His image, and subject to His Law-Word for all things. This is no less true in biology and history than in political science or theology.” — Joe Boot, Ruler of Kings I finished a book a […]
One of the “evidences” for a young Earth that some Young Earth Creationists (YEC) like to present these days is the existence of paintings and carvings on stones (and maybe cave walls) that look a lot — or even just somewhat — like dinosaurs. (Or, at least, how dinosaurs are portrayed by modern artists. That’s […]
“Even with a bill that they believe will or could be a successful end run around the tyranny of the federal judiciary, [those who passed the Texas ‘heartbeat’ bill] still chose to violate God’s law absent any even pragmatically compelling reason to do so. This is indicative of an addiction to compromise on the part […]
“These are the faces of women who died because they could not obtain safe and legal abortions. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, these pictures could include your daughter, sister, mother, best friend, granddaughter.” — found on home page (in 2005) for the website of the National Organization for Women (NOW) when Justice O’Connor announced […]
Hey, all! It occurred to me that, given how many books I read by the scholars at Reasons to Believe — in particular, Dr. Hugh Ross — and how often I quote them in this blog, some people might think RTB is basically my only source on matters of science apologetics. Do I ever recommend […]
“The idea that monetary policy is politically neutral is a convenient fiction rather than a reflection of reality.” — Stephen D. King, British economist and journalist One of the books I began reading recently is Ruler of Kings: Toward a Christian Vision of Government by Joseph Boot. Dr. Boot is a cultural theologian, leading Christian […]
This is the fifth & final entry in my series citing Rescuing Inerrancy: A Scientific Defense (2023) by Dr. Hugh Ross. If you have read any of the earlier entries in this series, you might remember Dr. John Walton being mentioned as one of the modern Christian theologians making controversial claims regarding the Bible and […]
I like Frank Turek. I appreciate him as a Christian apologist who is reaching a lot of people through his speaking engagements and educating via the CrossExamined Academy. But, I don’t always agree with him — sometimes in approach, sometimes in content. His understanding and handling of Calvinism and the Doctrines of Grace (i.e., Reformed […]
This is the fourth entry in my series citing Rescuing Inerrancy: A Scientific Defense (2023) by Dr. Hugh Ross. A few weeks ago, I watched a streaming TV series — the title of which I can’t remember, sorry — that looked at controversial archaeological finds and how they indicated scientific inquiry among ancient civilizations. Granted, […]
This is the third entry in my series citing Rescuing Inerrancy: A Scientific Defense (2023) by Dr. Hugh Ross, which I began this past May. In this week’s excerpt, Ross addresses the ideas of “history” and “myth” in interpreting the Old Testament creation passages. How similar are these texts to those of other Ancient Near […]