As planned, this week continues our look at what a few of the best study Bibles have to say about Genesis 6:1-4 — the passage that first speaks of “sons of God” and the Nephilim (or giants). It is one of the most curious and hard to completely interpret passages in the Bible. Of course, […]
There are many Bible passages that can be shocking (especially to our modern minds) or confusing. Typically, though, a better understanding of some of the cultural background can help, or a better understanding of God’s nature/attributes and purposes, etc. But, there are a small number of such passages that leave even the most knowledgeable pastor […]
Let’s end the year with some cool science, OK? Would you be surprised if I told you that the following citation comes from the book Improbable Planet (2016) by Hugh Ross? (I didn’t think so.) In Chapter 12 Ross talks about the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system for the amazing edifice we call “Earth”. […]
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” — usually attributed to Abraham Lincoln or Mark Twain In case you haven’t guessed, I (sometimes) enjoy reading and learning about Christian theology and church history, etc. But, as tends to happen in life, sometimes I think I […]
Transgender activism is everywhere these days. If we aren’t careful, we can get inured to this aspect of the Leftist agenda. We can forget what it is they promote — what they do and why they do it. Yes, I know some think that talking of such things is conspiracy-minded nuttiness. So, allow me to […]
It is not uncommon for bloggers and other article-writers to put out a Top 5 (or other number) list for something. I have done a few myself. A “Top X Books …” is a favorite — both to read and to write — for those of us who like to read books. A few years […]
A few years ago, a young woman applied for membership to a Christian Facebook group I run. There were many reasons that I declined her application, but one of them was that she considered herself a “Christian Witch”. (Sounds like an oxymoron to me!) At another time, I read a thread in the “Christian Metal” […]
“You cannot understand the Palestinian refugee question while not at the same time also understanding the broader historical, political, and legal circumstances surrounding the issue.” — Lex Takkenberg, a senior advisor for the Jordan-based Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development When reading or listening to the discussions about the Israeli/Hamas conflict, you might have wondered […]
“No Peace with Israel. No Recognition of Israel. No Negotiations with Israel.” — statement from the Arab League Summit (1967) It wasn’t easy to choose a topic for this week, but I eventually decided on the Israel vs. Palestine/Hamas war. But, rather than me spending a lot of time writing something up, I found a […]
As my regular readers know, I am a conservative Christian with an interest in Christian apologetics. It is both interesting and frustrating to see some of the stuff that well-meaning people have put on the internet in order to answer a challenge to their “faith” and/or to put an atheist or other non-Christian in his/her […]