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Democrat About-Face re Illegal Immigration

Published on October 17, 2021 By sirrahc

Let me begin by giving you three quotes, and you try to guess who said them. Ready? 1) “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.” 2) “Let me tell […]

Neo-Nazi Patrols Arizona Border

Published on July 17, 2010 By sirrahc

Meet Jason “J.T.” Ready. He and his crew are out there week after week, faithfully patrolling the Arizona/Mexico border (on public land) about 50 miles south of Phoenix. Like many frustrated citizens, they got tired of waiting for the government to take (effective) action, so they took it upon themselves to go out looking for […]