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Do the Rich Pay Their “Fair Share” of Taxes?

Published on April 15, 2018 By sirrahc

We hear a lot of talk (mostly from the political Left) about this “fair share” idea. My question has always been, “Who decides what is ‘fair’, and how do they come up with that?” To me, “fair” would be roughly equivalent to “proportional to income”, which is what everyone should pay (with exceptions for the […]

Bot Wars

Published on March 18, 2018 By sirrahc

“China’s cyber-spies have been hacking countries left and right. They were blamed for the enormous data breach at the US Office of Personnel Management that compromised the data of more than 21 million people.”  — Samuel Bocetta, CFIF We’ve all heard of “cyberwarfare”. It gets mentioned in the news along with “cybersecurity” and various attempts […]