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Holy Smoke!: Common Sense Prevails in British Hindu’s Plight for Proper Cremation

Published on February 28, 2010 By sirrahc

Davender Ghai, 71, a devout Hindu from Newcastle, northern Britain, just wanted to “clarify the law, not disobey or disrespect it.” Back in 2006, he had requested a permit from the Newcastle City Council for an open-air cremation site in remote Northumberland county. But, they denied the request, citing the Cremation Act 1902’s prohibition of […]

Yes! SCOTUS Eviscerates McCain-Feingold

Published on January 22, 2010 By sirrahc

The U.S. Supreme Court today struck a blow for the First Amendment. In a 5-4 ruling, significant parts of the campaign finance law popularly known as McCain-Feingold were judged unconstitutional. In particular, it was affirmed that the government cannot restrict corporate or union spending for or against candidates in Presidential and Congressional elections. The justices […]