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Say “No!” to DC Statehood

Published on April 18, 2021 By sirrahc

America’s Founding Fathers had good reasons for creating an independent, non-voting District as the seat of government for the United States. As David Harsanyi has pointed out, they were “concerned about the seat of federal power being controlled by a hostile or intrusive state government.” Also, if the capital were in a state (or its […]

No Good Reason for D.C.’s Concealed Carry Restriction

Published on July 30, 2017 By sirrahc

“The point of the Amendment isn’t to ensure that some guns would find their way into D.C., but that guns would be available to each responsible citizen as a rule.”  — Judge Thomas B. Griffith, D.C. Appellate Court Time to mark one in the ‘WIN’ column for defenders of the Second Amendment! Once upon a […]