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Lomborg on Climate Change

Published on September 3, 2023 By sirrahc

“There are costly damages associated with climate change. But there are also costly damages associated with climate policies. Too many politicians and the media focus only on the former.” — Bjorn Lomborg As I sometimes do, I’d like to share an excerpt or three from Hillsdale College’s Imprimis newsletter. This time it is from a […]

Is Trump’s Action on National Monuments Really Unprecedented, Disgraceful, and Illegal?

Published on December 11, 2017 By sirrahc

“The little guys’ voices were heard. Voices in the community were heard. This administration has the strength and the will to be there for us. This is a great day for Utah.”  — state Rep. Gregory H. Hughes, the speaker of the Utah House of Representatives Earlier this week and at the recommendation of Secretary […]

Top 10 Things Liberals Have Taught Me about Myself (Part 4 of 4)

Published on May 1, 2011 By sirrahc

Today’s post is the final one in the series (in case the “Part 4 of 4” wasn’t obvious). This confession/self-revelation has been so cathartic, and I thank you all for reading. It is amazing what one can learn about one’s self from other people, even total strangers, isn’t it? I know I implied this earlier, […]

Enviro-Politics: Feinstein Can't Be Serious

Published on April 14, 2010 By sirrahc

Consider the following facts: 1) Gov. Schwarzenegger signed a law requiring that 1/3 of the electricity produced in California by 2020 must be from “renewable sources”; solar and wind energy are the favored options. 2) The best location in CA for wind farms and solar plants (which need a LOT of relatively flat land, by […]