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Not All Slippery-Slopes Are Fallacies

Published on February 23, 2025 By sirrahc

Slippery-slopes are all around us, and they can be dangerous. But, the appeal to a slippery-slope fallacy is not always legitimate. To be fair, most people (myself included) are unclear on the types of slippery-slopes and what may or may not make their use a fallacy. On an episode of the STR podcast last year, […]

About Those Back-Alley Abortions…

Published on September 1, 2024 By sirrahc

“These are the faces of women who died because they could not obtain safe and legal abortions. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, these pictures could include your daughter, sister, mother, best friend, granddaughter.” — found on home page (in 2005) for the website of the National Organization for Women (NOW) when Justice O’Connor announced […]

Top 5 Non-Fiction Authors Who Impacted My Life & Thinking

Published on November 12, 2023 By sirrahc

It is not uncommon for bloggers and other article-writers to put out a Top 5 (or other number) list for something. I have done a few myself. A “Top X Books …” is a favorite — both to read and to write — for those of us who like to read books. A few years […]

Issues with “All Men” in 1 Timothy 2

Published on April 9, 2023 By sirrahc

In a recent podcast from Stand to Reason with Greg Koukl, a caller (beginning around 25:30) asked about Koukl’s understanding of the biblical doctrine of predestination. Koukl began with a basic definition of the word — i.e., to determine that something will take place before it takes place — and pointed out that a lot […]

What’s at Stake in the Dobbs v. Jackson Abortion Case

Published on January 9, 2022 By sirrahc

“While the line of questions posed by the conservative members of the Court were encouraging, a lot can happen in the next few months to alter opinions. I do not believe this current administration will tolerate any decision in the case that favors the pro-life side, especially if it undermines Roe.” — Troy Newman, President […]

If I Had Been Born in India, Would I Be Hindu?

Published on August 1, 2021 By sirrahc

A common challenge one hears (or reads) from non-Christians — usually atheists — is something along the lines of: “You’re just a Christian because you were raised in America. If you were raised in [insert country], you’d be [insert country’s dominant religion].” It is meant to make one’s Christian faith sound like it’s merely due […]

Giving Thanks Through the Tough Times

Published on November 29, 2020 By sirrahc

“We remind ourselves that everything we have is a gift from God to be used for God, and that our hope is not found in the things of this world but in Christ alone.” — Jonathan Noyes, Stand to Reason Yes, this is a post-Thanksgiving thanksgiving post. You’re welcome. I was listening to Greg Koukl’s […]

Christians Cannot Ignore Politics in the Culture Wars

Published on August 2, 2020 By sirrahc

Despite the Judeo-Christian beginnings of the United States of America, there are some Americans these days who want to silence and marginalize Christians. (See my last couple posts.) While claiming to be “tolerant”, many will use bullying tactics to do so. (I suspect I’m not telling you anything new, here.) Yet, some Christians seem to […]

Scientism Commits Suicide… Twice

Published on April 5, 2020 By sirrahc

“Only science gives reliable truth.” — believers in scientism Have you ever heard of a self-refuting view or idea? This is an idea that, when examined, actually defeats itself. It commits suicide. There are different types of self-refuting ideas, and some are easier to recognize than others. For example, if someone says, “All English sentences […]

Recommended Resources for a Christian Having a Crisis of Faith

Published on October 21, 2018 By sirrahc

“I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.”  — I John 5:13 (HCSB) If you are like me, you sometimes find yourself going through long-neglected directories on your computer, ostensibly in search of ancient or otherwise unneeded […]