One of the books I’ve been reading lately is Decision Making God’s Way by Gary T. Meadors. It has some good stuff in it and, as usual, I keep an eye out for sections that might make good articles in themselves. So, this week I have an excerpt that talks about, you guessed it, the […]
This is the third entry in my series citing Rescuing Inerrancy: A Scientific Defense (2023) by Dr. Hugh Ross, which I began this past May. In this week’s excerpt, Ross addresses the ideas of “history” and “myth” in interpreting the Old Testament creation passages. How similar are these texts to those of other Ancient Near […]
I just started a new book, A Biblical Case for an Old Earth (2006) by Dr. David Snoke, a respected physicist and professor at the University of Pittsburgh. I’ve been aware of Snoke and a few of his papers/essays for awhile, but I didn’t pick up his book until a few months ago, and I […]