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Stupid American Laws

Published on March 15, 2020 By sirrahc

“People commit crimes all the time without knowing it. It’s impossible to know what sort of behavior is criminal.” — Rafael Mangual, Manhattan Institute (a conservative think tank) Let’s play a game. Have you ever… walked a dog on a leash longer than 6 feet while on federal property? lied to your boss over the […]

The Moral Cause of Freedom

Published on February 18, 2011 By sirrahc

“A people contending for life and liberty are seldom disposed to look with a favorable eye upon either men or measures whose passions, interests or consequences will clash with those inestimable objects.”    — George Washington, letter to General Thomas, 7/23/1775 I’d like to pick up from the preceding post, which included an excerpt from Senator […]

Making Government Our Master

Published on February 16, 2011 By sirrahc

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.” — Thomas Jefferson Why is it that so many people fail to see the dangers in giving increasing power & authority to the government, of becoming more & more dependent upon it for our livelihoods and well-being? Can’t they see how this […]