The other week I posted “My Take on the Sons of God and Nephilim in Genesis 6”, wherein I reviewed four Study Bible commentaries regarding Gen. 6:1-4 (from two previous posts) along with a couple extra sources. This week I’m doing basically the same thing but for a longer passage, Gen. 9:18-29. As before, I […]
“[S]tupid. Asinine. Ridiculous. Ludicrous. Imbecilic. Witless. Obtuse. Fatuous. Harebrained. Doltish. Preposterous.” — Ben Shapiro, commenting on Rabbi Kolton’s claims Originally, I was going to blog on something more politically-oriented this week, like infamous memos & dossiers, or maybe the budget deal. But, I came across something else that piqued my interest much more, so… The […]