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YouTube Channels I Enjoy and You Might, Too: Bible & Religion

Published on February 2, 2025 By sirrahc

A few more YouTube recommendations for you… Readers may remember that last Fall I wrote two posts in which I shared YouTube channels that I enjoy watching on topics of “Science & Tech” and “Politics & Culture”. This third post rounds out the main topics covered in this blog with “Bible & Religion”. Of course, […]

5 Books Everyone Interested in the King James Bible Should Read

Published on May 17, 2020 By sirrahc

“Out of every 100 Americans who pulled a Bible off a shelf today, 55 of them pulled down a King James Version. I feel fairly safe in saying that the King James is the only 1611 release still on any bestseller lists.” — Mark Ward, author, blogger, software trainer A lot of people have some […]

On the Ending(s) of Mark’s Gospel

Published on February 7, 2016 By sirrahc

In the post titled “Newsweek Tells Christians They Are Wrong”, I mentioned that one of the examples of biblical corruption brought up by Kurt Eichenwald in his anti-evangelical, anti-Bible screed was the so-called “long(er) ending of Mark” (16:9-20). Some have called the debate about this passage the most significant textual controversy in the New Testament. […]

Throw It Out! (Or, Not…)

Published on January 27, 2013 By sirrahc

Once, when I was in junior high, someone found a typo in one of our school textbooks. One of the other students — might’ve been me, not sure — jokingly said, “We can’t trust it, now. Guess we’ll just have to throw out the whole book! Oh, well…” It then became a running joke for […]

The Return of Bart “Error-Man” Ehrman

Published on April 10, 2011 By sirrahc

Bible Under Attack by Skeptic Professor: Film at 11! I think most of you probably know who Bart Ehrman is, right? He’s an agnostic, American New Testament scholar who has gained some popularity/notoriety over the past few years, writing & promoting books that purport to ‘correct’ the traditional, orthodox teachings and assumptions of Christianity. I’m […]

Doubting the Gospel of Thomas (Part 3 of 3)

Published on February 10, 2011 By sirrahc

Today, I continue what could be called “My Conversation with Michael the Heathen Gnostic.” As Michael and I traded comments about the Gospel of Thomas (among other issues), the issue came up of which were/was likely written earlier — those manuscripts that became the four Gospels in the Bible OR the Gospel of Thomas (GTh). […]

Doubting the Gospel of Thomas (Part 2 of 3)

Published on February 8, 2011 By sirrahc

This is the continuation of a post that I pieced together from a forum discussion I had with a religious skeptic named Michael, but who gave himself the handle “Heathen Gnostic”. This particular thread has to do broadly with historical manuscripts and the canon of the Bible and more specifically with the Gnostic “gospels”. (I […]

Doubting the Gospel of Thomas (Part 1 of 3)

Published on February 6, 2011 By sirrahc

Some time ago, I had an interesting discussion with a guy on a (marketing) forum about various aspects of Biblical reliability & canonicity, testing historical manuscripts, corruption in “The Church”, differences between major Christian branches, etc. It ran quite the gamut, with several threads going at once. At some point, I decided to start copying […]