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Ants vs. Global Warming

Published on February 15, 2015 By sirrahc

FUN FACT: Ants make up 15-25% of the total mass of living animal tissue on the continents! We’ll get back to the ants in a minute. But, first… The Sun is a nuclear furnace. Hydrogen, the lightest element and most abundant chemical substance in the universe, is constantly being fused within it into helium. Over […]

Journey of Light + Creeping Superfluid

Published on August 24, 2014 By sirrahc

I decided to throw a couple more science-bytes at you from astrophysicist Dr. Jeffrey Zweerink. They’re brief but fun bits of science trivia to pack into your “li’l pea brain” (as my friend likes to say). And, if you realize that, technically, that is not physically possible, then we’re on the same wavelength. 1) “We […]