10 Prognostications by the Great Sirrahc

In honor of this month marking the 10-year anniversary of the “A View from the Right” blog, I have decided to don my “psychic’s” hat and proclaim 10 predictions that will come true in the near future. In no particular order…

1) Trump will tweet something vague and people will choose to be offended, assuming the worst possible interpretation. Things like charitability and “benefit of the doubt” in the absence of clarification — sometimes, even proper context — mean nothing when one is convinced (for no sane reason) that a person is the equivalent of Hitler. (To be clear, I am by no means approving of everything Trump has said. An unfortunate corollary to this prediction is that Trump will say something truly thuggish or nasty.)

2) LGBT+ militants will attempt to bully those who disagree with them. When one’s definition of “tolerance” — however one-sided — is not just putting up with but giving approval of a thing, it doesn’t take much before one is demanding that everyone celebrate that thing with them. Resistance is seen as hostile and morally repugnant, and it is no longer acceptable to simply “agree to disagree”, regardless of the reasons.

3) Iran, either directly or via proxies (e.g., Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc.), will provoke the U.S. and/or her allies and people will blame Trump. It won’t matter that Iran (i.e., those in charge) has been threatening the U.S., Israel, and “the West” for decades, or that it is guilty of state-sponsored terrorism. Whatever it may do on the world stage, Trump will somehow get blamed for instigating their actions.

4) Joe Biden will say something nonsensical, embarrassing, or offensive, and establishment Dems will overlook, forgive, even defend it. Ol’ Uncle Joe gets pass after pass after pass, despite decades of gaffes, lies, and inconsistencies. Trump would be ridiculed or crucified for same. For example,

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent…. I’m not joking.”  — Joe Biden, in a private remark to an Indian-American man (C-SPAN, June 2006)

5) The Trump administration will institute another policy (or act according to a previous one) to reduce illegal immigration and improve national security; Trump and the policy will be called “racist”. Some people can’t get past the fact that the melanin count in one’s skin is irrelevant. It is one’s actions and intentions that matter, as well as the repercussions. But, some people have convinced themselves that Trump is a racist, so anything that affects non-whites more than whites must be racist.

6) There will be a shooting… somewhere… even outside the U.S…. and the Left will blame guns, the NRA, the GOP, gun-owners in general, and Trump. It’s ridiculous, and their arguments are terrible, but that’s what they do. The reasoning is simple: Exploit tragedy to promote an irrational fear of guns and of anyone who owns them, thereby aiding the goal of disarming the people and clearing the path for a communist/fascist takeover of government. As for Trump, he obviously isn’t cooperating with this plan. He’s pro-NRA and even supports arming teachers! Plus, Orange Man Bad!

7) As Christmas approaches, a big-name atheist/skeptic or like-minded journalist will write something critical about the Bible/God/Jesus/Christianity, thereby giving informed Christian apologists another opportunity to correct the atheists/skeptics’ spurious and/or ignorant claims and demonstrate the stronger case for God, etc.

8) Critical Race Theory / Intersectionality / “Woke”ness will infect more Christian organizations, churches, schools, and American culture in general. This is an unbiblical, Neo-Marxist perspective that is poisonous to the Gospel and to one’s identity in Christ, as well as to traditional, Western cultural values. It produces much more heat than light, causing more division and strife rather than unification.

9) Discoveries in archaeology, paleontology, physics, etc., will give more support to the historicity of the Bible and the overall validity of the Christian worldview. Happens all the time. Christians rejoice. Others are surprised. Skeptics remain skeptical. For past examples in physics, astronomy, biochemistry, and other areas, check out reasons.org.

10) Roughly 2300-3000 pre-born human children will be killed in the womb every day in the U.S. for reasons that don’t even come close to justifying such atrocities. Most Democrats and other non-traditionalists will be OK with this, perhaps even celebrate it. Yet, either through stubbornness or ignorance, they will be offended when they are compared with the child-sacrificing worshipers of Molech.

There, that wasn’t so hard. Still, I am sure you will all be amazed when my predictions are all fulfilled in the next few days, weeks, and months. (I ain’t picky.) Sadly, several are in progress even as you read this.


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