Trash Talk

“Waste is an apolitical issue that transcends socioeconomic status and has remained essentially unchanged since the time of the Romans. For generations, we have buried our trash in the ground and our heads in the sand, unwilling to break from a broken business model or take a serious look at how our waste impacts the environment. Technology is changing all of that….”
This is how Nate Morris, chairman and CEO of Rubicon, begins a brief commentary about an industry with which he is quite familiar. Rubicon is all about using technology to “reduce waste and create more sustainable solutions for waste disposal.” He writes about cheaper, more efficient waste management. He also writes about improving national security through better waste management. You read that right…
“Reducing waste can also mean protecting our national security. Waste is every bit a national security threat as it is an environmental one. Landfills represent the ultimate opportunity for international criminal organizations to harvest individuals’ and organizations’ data and information. Improperly disposed of electronics present as much of a, if not a greater, threat than being hacked, with the Identity Theft Resource Center calculating that more than 50% of data attacks in 2020 resulted from improperly disposed of or stolen electronics.”
Morris goes on to make a case for the “looming threat of space waste” and the need for the private sector to take more responsibility. (That one is quite interesting and disturbing, too.)
These are practical concerns and not just some scare tactic by the Greens. In any case, it’s worth a read…