Election Fraud in America is NOT a Myth

“[V]ote fraud can show up as artificially larger voter turnouts, higher rates of filling out absentee ballots for people who hadn’t voted, dead people voting, ineligible people voting, or payments for votes.” — John R. Lott, president of the Crime Research Prevention Center

A lot of people have been exasperated and turned off by the continuous cries of “voter fraud!”, “rigged!”, and “stop the steal!” since Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. Some of the frustration is understandable, as some of the claims about the fraud/steal have been proven to be in error — or, at least, the ballot numbers in question have been certified as legit by someone. You also have media pundits proclaiming “no evidence of voter fraud” and groups like the far-left Brennan Center for Justice saying that voter fraud in America is just a “myth”. They must not like Heritage’s Election Fraud Database, which contains 1,350+ proven instances of election fraud.

I was never fully convinced of a stolen election, but I did (and still do) have serious concerns about election fraud of various kinds. (See opening quote.) As I wrote at the time, whether or not it can be proven that Trump actually won, serious investigations must be done.

“Voter fraud and malpractice must not be ignored and swept under the rug. Any and all actual instances should be rooted out and the perpetrators punished to the fullest extent of the law. All legal votes should be counted, and corrections should be made in the voter tallies wherever possible.”

Noted economist and researcher John R. Lott has a forthcoming study that sheds light on some of the suspicious ballot numbers from that 2020 election. In particular, the peer-reviewed study looked at precincts in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, comparing voting precincts in counties with alleged fraud to adjacent precincts in neighboring counties with no allegations of fraud.

Focusing on absentee and provisional ballots, Lott made many observations. For example, his analysis revealed that illegal (yet somehow allowed) manipulation of ballots “contributed to a statistically significant additional 5,320 to 7,200 votes for Biden.” Also, “The estimates for Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin combined indicate between 146,000 and 334,000 excess votes for Biden.”

As The Daily Signal‘s Fred Lucas points out, “Biden beat then-President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, by a total of 313,253 votes in the six states.” Also, “As NPR’s Domenico Montanaro has put it, ‘just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College.'”

Still, Lucas states that according to Lott, “The study doesn’t question the legitimacy of the outcome of the 2020 election, [but] the analysis indicates that concerns about voter fraud are legitimate and undermine confidence in elections.”

To add fuel to the discussion and frustrations, we have a few recent reports:

1) Following the “disastrous” 2020 election, Georgia passed a landmark election integrity law (signed by Rep. Gov. Brian Kemp) with the mantra “Easy to vote, hard to cheat”. The Left enacted a smear campaign and predicted “voter suppression”. The result: Georgia held its primary election the other day and everything ran quickly and efficiently — with “virtually non-existent” lines at the polls.

Pennsylvania (and in particular Dem. Gov. Tom Wolf), on the other hand, refused to fix anything, and it shows. They had a primary election recently, too. The result for the Republican nominee for Senate was delayed for several days due to thousands of undated mail-in ballots and thousands more misprinted (and mostly unreadable) ballots. Sound familiar? This is more proof that the Leftist claim that all mail-in ballots are secure and efficient is hogwash.

2) Not everyone is happy in Georgia, though, and this time it appears to be voting machines at fault. As reported in The Western Journal, “Democratic Dekalb County commission candidate Michelle Long Spears came in third place, and therefore did not qualify for a runoff.” But, a hand-count over the holiday weekend gave her 3600+ votes, resulting in Spears switching places with first-place candidate Marshall Orson. Orson then wrote a letter to the election board, expressing concern over possible “continuing issues with the results”.

Randy DeSoto reports, “The Georgia secretary of state’s office admitted to making several programming mistakes in their Dominion Voting Systems machines. [Yes, the same ones that caused problems for Trump in Antrim County, MI.] A hand count conducted in the entire state of Georgia following the 2020 general election also revealed that thousands of ballots had not been counted. These discrepancies were also attributed to human error in the uploading of ballots to the machines.”

3) Here’s another report by DeSoto. Guillermina Fuentes, Democratic former mayor of San Luis, AZ (a border city in Yuma County), “pleaded guilty last week to engaging in illegal ballot harvesting during the 2020 primary election, adding credence to claims the same conduct occurred during the general election…. Fuentes and her co-defendant were videotaped by a write-in candidate delivering several mail-in ballot envelopes to the cultural center in San Luis, where they were deposited in a ballot drop dox.”

DeSoto notes, “This potential illegal actively [sic] squares with the information contained in the Dinesh D’Souza, True the Vote documentary film “2000 Mules” released last month. The central premise of the movie is that an illegal ballot harvesting scheme took place in the key swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin during the 2020 general election. “Mule” is a term used in the movie for those who repeatedly picked up batches of ballots and placed them in drop boxes.”

4) Aaaand back to Pennsylvania… Townhall‘s Katie Pavlich writes: “Former Democratic Congressman Michael ‘Ozzie’ Myers pleaded guilty this week to illegally stuffing Philadelphia ballot boxes by digitally ‘ringing up votes’ in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. Myers also bribed a judge, who was indicted in 2020 for rigging a number of elections.”

As per the DoJ, “Myers admitted to bribing [Judge of Elections Domenick J.] Demuro to illegally add votes for certain candidates of their mutual political party in primary elections. Some of these candidates were individuals running for judicial office whose campaigns had hired Myers, and others were candidates for various federal, state, and local elective offices that Myers favored for a variety of reasons.”

In fairness, while these all happen to involve corrupt and/or foolish Democrats, there are enough instances on the GOP side (as well as independents) that no one should get all high-n-mighty, thinking “their” side has no bad apples.

Anyone who continues to deny that actual election fraud is at work in the United States is either a liar or living in another reality. As I said in the aforementioned post,

“Anyone who loves this country, regardless of political party, should be appalled at any attempt to interfere with and subvert our elections. If we can’t trust our election process, our nation is in YUGE trouble!”

That’s exactly what the tyrants want!


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