Politics / Science / Religion

Pro-Life Incrementalism vs Abolitionist Immediatism

Posted by on May 22, 2022 at 6:54 pm

Longtime readers might remember that I have mentioned and quoted from Samuel Sey’s “Slow to Write” blog before. Sam recently wrote a post explaining why he takes the incrementalist approach to pro-life activism over the abolitionist immediatist approach. I thought Sam did a fine job of laying out both approaches and pointing out pluses and […]

A Primer on SCOTUS, Abortion, and the Leaked Opinion Draft

Posted by on May 8, 2022 at 7:22 pm

“It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.” — Justice Samuel Alito (in the leaked opinion draft) If you are like me, you may feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the articles from the last few days talking about SCOTUS, the leaked opinion draft, […]

DEI: A Cancer in Academia and Beyond

Posted by on February 27, 2022 at 6:14 pm

“He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind. And the wind is rising.” — Jordan Peterson, paraphrasing the Bible You’ve heard of Jordan B. Peterson, right? He’s the Canadian psychology professor who has become somewhat of a celebrity/pariah in recent years, mostly because he is outspoken against things like political correctness and identity politics. […]

The Gathering Storm

Posted by on May 30, 2021 at 6:35 pm

“Can it happen here? Of course it can.” — Rod Dreher, socio-political commentator, author, editor Forgive me for stating the obvious, but there is a lot of scary stuff goin’ on out there. Our government “leadership” and the many ideological influencers they are in league with (e.g., academia, media, ‘progressive’ corporations and organizations, etc.) are […]

Top 10 Posts, 2019-2020

Posted by on December 27, 2020 at 7:53 pm

Many long-time readers of this blog will remember that for several years (2014-2018) I ended each year with a “Top 10” post. For whatever reason(s), I didn’t do that for 2019, but I decided to share 10 this week from 2019-2020. As usual, my hope is that someone will find an enjoyable read or three […]

The Blessing of Fossil Fuels

Posted by on October 18, 2020 at 7:56 pm

We have all heard the claims and warnings — some quite hysterical — that our use of fossil fuels is recklessly irresponsible and immoral. If we don’t make dramatic changes ASAP, the end of civilization will be upon us in mere decades, if not just a few years. But, this is nothing new. Since at […]

Answering Objections to “Just One Question”

Posted by on July 19, 2020 at 9:38 pm

The other day I (re-)discovered a comment that a reader named “Ian” had left on a blogpost of mine a couple months ago, and I had forgotten all about it. The blogpost itself was from 2011, in which I presented the “just one question” argument for the pro-life position. For a number of reasons, I […]

10 Prognostications by the Great Sirrahc

Posted by on October 20, 2019 at 10:48 pm

In honor of this month marking the 10-year anniversary of the “A View from the Right” blog, I have decided to don my “psychic’s” hat and proclaim 10 predictions that will come true in the near future. In no particular order… 1) Trump will tweet something vague and people will choose to be offended, assuming […]

Meanwhile, Elsewhere in the Conservative Blogosphere…

Posted by on September 8, 2019 at 9:05 pm

What do Benny Hinn, the Big Bang, and Joe Biden’s gun-grab have in common? Nothing, as far as I can tell, other than the prominence of the letter “B” and the fact that all three show up in this blogpost. Stick with me… Despite having gotten a good-sized post published on time last Sunday, the […]

How to Build a Totalitarian State That the People Love

Posted by on April 14, 2019 at 7:14 pm

“Its prophetic voice has remained surprisingly contemporary, both in its particular forecasts and in its general tone of semiserious alarm.”  — author/editor/publisher Martin Green Something a little different for you today… In 1946, Aldous Huxley wrote a Forward to the new edition of his Brave New World (1932). It was part retrospective, in which he […]